Shalom profile picture


Lala la la la... What the world needs now is love ......sweet love.....its the only thing that there

About Me

Hola!My name is Shalom and I am a Colombian-American Singer/Songwriter (Colombian father/German/French Mother.) For the past 3 years I was signed to A&M Records by Ron Fair . Decided to split from my former label and now I'm starting over, again...something I'm really excited about! Change is thrilling!!! Scary but so good for the soul .....gotta grow! Evolve thats natures law... right...? My talent ain't fading I'm only getting stronger. In the studio right now, working like a mad.... its my reality ....meant to be and its gonna happen....I love life!!! I have been forunate enough to travel quite a bit.... music takes you places...I think seeing the world gives you such an amazing perspective on everything. We have it so easy in the US ... seeing the rest of the world has made me appreciate that... but also realize how beautiful the world is in ways i had never makes me feel alive...and opens my mind....I want to see the whole world before I die!!!Don't be shy, I"m not!!!! I am very outgoing, fun and love people.... and I am gonna rock this mysace thang ! You betta believe !!!! I am just getting started... new at this so its only the begging of the ride ... the best is yet to come.....I also have my music page, haven't put any of my new demos yet but will pretty soon so make sure you join that page too, its all of my AZ people you probably remember me from Tuesday Nights at Axis/Radius in Scottsdale that was my night with Pazport my former band, I might do some live shows out here too, I'll keep you posted :) and I love you!!! Scottsdale people are the best :) yea yea..... kiss kiss colombian style ..... always two ( or more :) )..MySpace layout created at Hypergurl.

My Interests

ONE OF MY SONGS..."LAY" Check out this MySpace MP3 Player !

Myspace Profile Tracker World Visitor Map

I'd like to meet:

Hum? Let me think I think I know a lot of people already lol :) Anyone who's got heart , who knows where they came from and doesn't act affected by the B.S. that's going down in this town.... if you live here , you know what I mean. Keep it real .... and just like everyone does...... Angelina Jolie :) She is hot and is helping to change the world without compromising who she is ..... love her and HELLO KITTY


Mine, I'm in the studio right now :) And I love all the sexy sultry divas like Etta James, Nina Simone , Billie Holliday , Sarah Vaughn , as well as Barbara Streisand , The Beegees, Boys To Men , Christina Aguilera , Frank Sinatra , India Arie , Ferrgie , Gwen S. , Pharell , Petrona , Juanes , Luis Miguel , David Bisbal ,


Love foreign and independent films and romantic sappy dumb commedies too ;)


Heroes :) L Word , Top Design , Ugly Betty :) New show the tudours on showtime is lookin pretty good too :)


I love the poetry of Pablo Neruda and believe it or not my guilty pleasure is romance novels I am a total baby and hate to be scared but Love Vampire lore.... it's exciting!


ME !!!! Cause if I dont do it for myself .... nobody will life is not a comic book!

My Blog

I was born by the sea .....

I have a long romance with the sea.... as long as I can remember......I AM IN LOVE...... the most beautiful element there is.....all encompassing....u can emerse yourself in it as completely as anythi...
Posted by Shalom on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 03:35:00 PST

The Moments......

The moments pass ....this is the only thing I know for certain....its comforting in a way knowing something is certain in this unstable, ever changing world....the responsability of this knowledge con...
Posted by Shalom on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 09:59:00 PST

I love Hello Kitty..!

I love!!! Hello Kitty ....I have the cutest H.K. bling on my phone , she ( A STUFFED ONE ) rides in my Range Rover with me in the passasenger side with her seatbelt on... ;) I get lonley Remin...
Posted by Shalom on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:40:00 PST

nothing amazing.... just silly stuff :)

hi my peeps.... whatcha all doin...? I had quite a nice day actually. I got my hair done and i feel all "pertty" and stuff !!! Know what I mean...? A girls gotta be fly:) Right??? Yes right!!!!! So no...
Posted by Shalom on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:20:00 PST

Beautiful LA

Today was soooooo gorgeous it took my breath away! hope u are all having as much fun as me ;0 I am bouncing off the walls ! Drank a gallon of green tea today ! Hyper crazy for damn sure !!!!! Know wh...
Posted by Shalom on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:17:00 PST