We are located in the Palms hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Home of the reality tv show "Inked" on A&E network. This is the origional and only My Space page for Hart and Huntington Tattoo Company, and for Carey Hart owner and freestyle motocross rider. Dont believe everything that you read on My Space! most common asked question is if we do appointments. well the answer is no. Hart and Huntington Tattoo Company is open from 11 a.m. til 2 a.m. we walk is only. sorry but with our large tourism traffic, people have a hard time keeping appointments!! Please bring as much reference material as possible when you come in for your tattoo. it will make it easier on both you and the artist to get the exact tattoo that you want.
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FreakPlace.com: FreakPlace is an online community for all the Freaks in the world with Tattoos, Body Piercing, Body Modification, etc....