i like movies with my miz-ann and i like sunny days and walks with my pooch. i get excited about the little things, like bed bath and beyond. "i just dont know if we'll have the time!" im married now and have no interests of interest
old friends... new local constituents
ive been told i like everything. i say i like the best of everything!
blockbuster.com: the ultimate movie lovers resource. i dont know how people still rent the old way...
2424242424242424242424242424 2424242424242424244224242424 2424242424242424242424242424 2424242424242424242424242424 244242424!!!!!!
You have to read: The End of Faith - it will improve the globe's quality of life if everyone reads it. Also, Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier, Shogun by James Clavell, Kurt seems popular here, Greene, early medical MCs, I get my romance from Wuthering Heights, Mangus or Griffin and Sabine to take me away and the nameless textbook to bring me back
Kelsey Regan... and of course reagan kelsey