numerology, feng shui, architecture, a strong bit of acting.
See Zeitgest the movie. It is worth your time, especailly Part II, starting 37 minutes into the film.
something I can drive or jump around to, or produces an experience.
Hook, Newsies, Fight Club, Gone With the Wind, American Beauty, Office Space, anything Monty Python, Coen Brothers, or Charlie Kaufman, Everything is Illuminated, Little Women(1994), The Secret Garden(1993), Citizen Kane, Immortal Beloved, Rob Roy, Curly Sue, The Little Mermaid, Edward Scissorhands, The Adams Family, Groundhog Day, The Count of Monte Cristo(2002),and so so many more including Channeling Alphonse, a product of genius writen by Jeremy Catalino and directed by Peter Atencio.
The Vicar of Dibley, Flying Circus, Bob Ross.
Still Life With Woodpecker(Tom Robbins), Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell(Susanna Clarke), Lemony Snicket books 5-10(Daniel Handler).
Mary Pickford, my sisters Shoshi, Reiko, and Sabrina, Orson Welles, Gary Oldman, Cate Blanchett, Samantha Morton, Emily Watson, Benicio Del Toro, Christian Bale, Jodie Foster, Tim Roth, John Williams, and RhettButler.