Kev profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

heyhey my names Kev! no one really reads this part of a profile so i will keep it short! i have a beautiful gf called viki. btw before u all comment me saying she's too good 4 me and iv done well i know! my best mate is kyle/kyman/kylio hes awesome check him out ladies! I study at the university of lincoln in graphic design, though i have no real dream to be a graphic designer. i much rather sing for a living though its a far away dream! im in a band called riverside soundtrack and another band which is so far un-named! neway if ur board of this then get off my profile if not stick around and play with my gold fish! cheeky! or give my pig a stroke, naughty! l8ers xxxbody{scrollbar-arrow-color:cc0000;scrollbar-Track-Color:9 90000;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:cc0000;scrollbar-base-color: cc0000;scrollbar-Face-Color:990000;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:cc 0000;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:cc0000

My Interests

rip bob!

get you pig on!Music Singing, Sk8in hanging with my mates girlies of course films drinking photography drawing graphical design messing about snow boarding many other things.i love hanging out with my friends - kyle (my best mate along with luke! reali funny always makes me laugh, though he has a biggish head, love goin out gettng drunk with him, chillin out playing PS all day just being ourself lol love ya dude!) Vicky ( she's the best girlfriend in the world ever, i love her with all my heart and soul and i hope we are together for eva! she loves aimals and does loads to help them! need i say more she's the lovelyist person eva. love spending anytime i can with her!) Tracey (shes the coolist eva, she my party animal lol love spending time with her jus chillin watchin movies and shit love her lots!) luke (my best mate , knows all he knows about me, funny, same music taste the works) james (reali sound bloke funny as fuck but also serious when needs to be) carly (pears reali funny, great talker i know she can help me if i need it she's coolio) chub (hes cool funny i can trust him i think and hope) Maria (chubs over half shes cool can be a laugh gd to tlk to too) luci (she has massive boobs need i say more) Boggis (been friend since we were like 5 i can trust him with my life and he know everything about me) if iv missed neone i love you all just cant be bothered to type nemore

I'd like to meet:

all muscians


InMe, alexis on fire, a douzen furies, Funeral for a friend, Fall out boy, Panic at the disco, Head automatica, MY girl sleeps, Finch, Trivium, Heart well Ending, BFMV, Killswitch engage, Alexis on fire, Sikth, Slipknot, Machinehead, The used, Taproot, Mudvayne, some my chemical romance stuff, placebo, incubus (old stuff more), Sepultura, Slayer, Pantera many many more


the best movies in the world is the THE CROW! but SCHOOL OF ROCK, PIC OF DESTINY, 8MILE, GET RICH OR DIE TRYING, SHAWN OF THE DEAD, ANCHER MAN, MIGHT DUCK TRILOGY, PIRACTE TRIL, LORD OF THE RINGS, CRANK, so many more but i cant be bothered to type more!


family guy, scrubs, never mind the buzzcocks, american dad, that 70's show, simpsons, wwe, fresh prince many more


not a big book man reali but kurts autobiography grabbed me


everyone is a hero we all do our part to make a difference we may not see it but we all do