the yellow girl profile picture

the yellow girl

I am here for Friends

About Me

She wears a coat of color
Loved by some, feared by others
She's immortalized in young men's eyes
Lust she breeds in the eyes of brothers
Violent sons make bitter mothers
So close your eyes, here's your surprise

My name is Marta
i love the colour yellow! ♥
i love my music and i cant live without it!!!!
i am born and bred in england yet i am of Polish decent and Polish is my first language
I'm studying film and tv set design at glamorgan uni - based in Cardiff
i am uniquely different, there is no one in the world like me, you may think im am crazy and mental but you are just jealous that your not the loveable snazzy person that i am and people love
i protect my loved ones, dont hurt them or you'll have trouble
Ryan Gosling is a gorgeous hunk in The Notebook
orlando bloom ♥ johnny depp
snapsypopdoodlekins is a great word as is snazztastic :D
300 is my favourite film, i love it waaaay to much :P
I have an eclectic taste in music
jefffery deaver books are amazing
i have noticed that my expectations of people have been slashed into bits they want so much from me yet give back soooo little - my feelings mean something and not to be ignored
i have come to the conclusion that i come first from now on - im fed up of feeling sad, lonely and annoyed.

My Interests

"Love is the beauty of the soul."
Saint Augustine
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." Ingrid Bergman

♥ My Boy ♥
My friends
Learning to play the guitar
Drawing + designing
Watching films, tv n rugby
havin fun...

I'd like to meet:

Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Jim Carey, Shia LaBoeuf, The Top Gear crew, The Marx Brothers (if they were alive that is), Robin Williams, Billy Connolly, Gerald Butler,
decent people who arent scumbags!!
and fellow comrades who love the colour . . .yellow!!!
ask me for my msn if you want to chat :)

comment me ...


30 seconds to Mars
Ray Lamontagne
Breaking Benjamin
The Used
Jack Penate
The Maccabees
Bloc party
Stone Sour
Rise Against
Cute is what we aim for
Fleeing from finales
Panic! At the disco
Head Automatica
Bowling for Soup
Blink 182
Less than Jake
All American Rejects
Sum 41
Fall out boy
Kelly Clarkson
Unwritten Law
Brand New
and many others...


Pirates of the Carribbean 1,2 and 3
The Prestige
the cartoon Gulliver travels film
Blade films
Bruce almighty
liar liar
the marx brothers movies
Ella Enchanted
Ice age 1 and 2
pride and prejudice
over the hedge


Top gear
Even Stevens
CSI miami
family guy
without a trace
fawlty towers


The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter.
harry potter
jeffery deever- lincoln rhyme series
meg cabot books


♥ My Boy ♥ - he means the world to me, he makes me smile, he makes me happy, he makes me laugh, he is always there for me :) &hearts
Vicky - i ♥ this girl she makes me laugh and smile and is there for me no matter what, loves u xxx
Danielle - u always makes me laugh even though u get annoyed by my questions why:P and hate havin ur photos taken :P
Luke - u cheer me up when im down no matter how low i am and will always put a smile on my face :D
Carrie - we have the best most random times :)and one of my best friends who i can trust with my life - missing u when ur busy being a popular socialite :P
Lucie - we have lots of crazy fun miss her because i dont see her much - my sexy johnny depp obsessed friend :) xxx
Josh - MONKEY BOY!!! -one of my best buds, have crazy random convos, the best skype conversationalist, snazztastical times await :)
Uni Chums
Jenny - ("you're stuck to each other with glue) it seems she is like one of my arms and legs, feel somewhat lost without her when shes not around, crazy lovely, sweet cute wonderful, its crazy how well we get one with each other :D♥
Freda - my crazy wacky friend who likes to get drunk and party hard, a wicked girly

My Blog

19th bday met partay!

This night was the celebration of my 19th birthday :)YELLOW was the theme - the yellow parade we were called :P well done to vicky, carrie, jennie, kim, liz, shaun, chris, kirsty who were wearing yell...
Posted by the yellow girl on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:27:00 PST

a jk party

A good party night enjoyed by all...... ...
Posted by the yellow girl on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 05:42:00 PST

november and december fun 2006

I got up to a few things these past few monthshere are some a trip to the met loungethen a trip to the british history museum = museum boring road trip there and back entertaining :)...
Posted by the yellow girl on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 04:59:00 PST

lol :D

this is carrie being beaten up by her little sis jessvery funny business:D...
Posted by the yellow girl on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 01:26:00 PST

about urselves.......

Fill this out pleeease! 1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do y...
Posted by the yellow girl on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 09:42:00 PST