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What is a VerichipOn October 22, 2002, Applied Digital Solutions’ received word from the FDA that they would NOT regulate the chip under their regulations as it was to be used purely for identification and security purposes. ADS President, Scott Silverman stated shortly afterward, We'll now go into high gear with our sales, marketing and distribution plans in the U.S., No time was wasted and they have now gone into high gear putting already well laid plans and resources into action. On October 24, an ADS press release boasted, The first 100,000 registrants and all qualified ADSX shareholders will be eligible for a special introductory savings of $50 at the time of chipping. Details on the Get Chipped" promotion will be posted soon There are already 7 VeriChip distribution centres in the United States and has also begun a registration program to determine the location of future distribution centres. According to their press release, VeriChip is being plugged to be used for Homeland Security and act as tamper-proof personal verification. In simple laymen's terms, this simply means it will be used as an irrefutable proof of identification. It is also being promoted as a valid means of electronic banking and commerce. How easy is it to get chipped? According to the same press release: Getting chipped is a simple, outpatient procedure that lasts just a few minutes and involves only local anesthetic and insertion of the chip. EVERYTHING IS READY Everything will soon be in place for a super government that seeks to control everybody in every way. They will know everything about you - all that you buy, where and when you buy it, who you phone and how much money you have, will all be continuously inscribed onto this chip, on a day-to-day basis. And if for whatever reason you are classified as an undesirable person" or perceived as an enemy of the state, (according to the definition at that time) the system will simply erase your number from their central computer and you will no longer be able to buy or sell anything. You will in reality become a persona non-gratia, a non-person patent was issued in March, 1999 to Houston, inventor, Thomas W. Heeter, described as a Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions. Heeter's patent abstract reads: A method is here presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic media. A BAR CODE or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner. Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorised to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated. The clear aim of the GLOBALISTS is the creation of a one-world system of financial, political and human control, or worldwide dictatorship. This secret, elitist conspiracy for world hegemony, envisions independent nations deprived of their sovereignty and subordinated to a global government, lead by a world dictator. All men and women on earth are to be remotely monitored and are to become controlled slaves of a few enlightened masters in a global dictatorship, a totalitarian police slave state. This issue surrounding the phenomenon called The Mark of the Beast is much more complex than one truly realizes. On the surface, it seems as if it’s merely something that is physical and related to commerce, identification and monitoring in the days of the antichrist. However, if one does a more in-depth study, where traditional views are challenged as this essay attempts - one can still see some validity in this view, but will quickly realize however that there are many more crucial elements involved, that have been largely overlooked or ignored by most conventional expositors of Biblical Prophecy. It makes all the sense in the world do you have any idea the amount of date that is floating out there the amount of information beam into the air we broad cast to every one were we are and we think we are safe the whole world is going insane and we are acting like It is nothing, its not nothing its something that we don’t understand and its coming to us, it’s the end of the world. And you can’t shut down the system cause they are the system they want life and they will be coming for you too we got to keep moving, they came threw the computer threw the mobiles, WI FI, navigators, chips, and internet. Every thing that made your personality and made you, YOU is gone, you will be a code that is found on your chip that what you will be, your name will be couple of number. Our lives are different now what was meant to connect us to one another, instead connected us to forces that we could never imagined, but the word TO LIVE never dies, not for us not for them.Will you get a chip in you'r body?Yes
No, i will never
I rather die
What does a Verichip mean?
If all people got chipped, i will