DOODS Thanks so much to all the people who made the trip through life as DIEMONA amazing! WE had a fucking blast and love all of you for helping us with that. WE have so many people to thank for everything but cant get into that right now but you know who you are and THANK YOU!
As far as what all the doods in the band are going to do now .... well mainly pay more attention to all the other things we all had going on. Each member always had 4000 things going on so this will help create some more time to focus on those things. SO if you see us out and about scream at us and head bang or something that would be rad.-Diemona
Initially, Mike and Brandon picked up acoustic guitars and jammed out in their free time. Eventually, the need to switch to electrics due to lack of crunch pushed the project closer to creation. In time, Brian Lord was chosen to fill the position of drummer, and things began to achieve solid form. After 2 spur of the moment shows with Atl, GA metal band European Eye Swallow, Brandon's incredible ability in the "front man" position was realized, and the hunt for a 2nd guitarist and a bassist began. Not long after, Mike realized his two friends Charles and Henry, two ungodly gifted musicians who just happen to play guitar and bass, respectively, were looking for a project to play in. Practice began, songs became finalized and things started to take way. About half a year later Charles had some personal things to work out and had to leave the band and move back to PA. The search for a new guitar player then began. After what felt like forever we came in contact with Bryan Matthews who also was gifted at guitar and was looking for a band to be part of. Practice started and things went well, soon Bryan's influence came into the music and material and paved way for better and new material. Things picked up for the band and they played tons of shows and record 3 new songs that were sure to destroy kids. Soon after recording was done Brian and the band decided it was not working out and split ways with him. The dreaded search for a new drummer started soon after. After trying out many people, along came a dood named Matt. He came from the split of Columbia’s metal band The Herat Massacre. We contacted Matt to see if he would be interested in trying out and he agreed and came in and knew his stuff and really impressed us all. Diemona felt as complete as it ever had and was going to be. Soon Matt was activated in the Marines and was told he would be sent to Iraq. Diemona continued to play shows with this going on and then it got to complicated to move forward and all the other doods realized it was time to hang it up. DIEMONA destroyed kids all over and had a great time doing it and hopefully will do it again one day!
for booking :
[email protected] Take these things and post them on your page ... cause they look cool and also .. duh you love some metal !
In Rememberence Of
As the Congregation Departed
THANK YOU Chase Foss!(http://www.myspace.com/rocker99)