Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold profile picture

Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold

Clever....... The eunuch version of funny.

About Me

Australian stand up comic.A cult figure in Australian comedy circles.Spotted with Irish songstress Andrea Corr.One time neighbor of mining magnate Robert Holmes a Court.Made an unsuccessful attempt at coaxing former Prime MinisterPaul Keating into a career in stand up.Voted by his peers Most Sane Comic.The youngest comic ever to be inducted into the Echidnas.TV credits include, Sixty Minutes, A Current Affair, Sunday Program, music videos,TV commercials and films.The Sydney Morning Herald calls him,"The comedian other comedians go to see".In 1992 Brett became the first comedian in Australia to have a website. Over the years he has appeared with the who's who of international and local acts, including Robin Williams, Britney Spears, Jodie Foster, Mel Gibson, Bill Hicks, Bobcat Goldthwaite, Jimeoin, Rodney Rude, Akmal Saleh, Steady Eddy, Carl Baron, Judith Lucy, Arctic Boosh, Gretel Killeen, Greg Fleet, Elliot Gould, Kitty Flanagan, The Umbilical Brothers, Eric Bana, John Laws, Mikey Robbins, Bec Cartwright, Adam Hills, Rich Hall, Jeff Stillson, Andrew Denton, Julia Morris and The Amazing Jonathon - Just to name a few! Worked behind the scenes with IWA pro-wrestling for many years as the booker,(the guy who decides who wins and loses and why, yes wrestlers have scripts, shocking,I know) in what many consider were the glory days of Australian pro-wrestling, the late 90's. University of NSW Professor John McCallum wrote a major thesis on Brett's act titled Don't Sh*t Ya Selves (a study of Hollywood Brett Sheargold). It is still used in english and media classes to this day, both here and overseas. Brett is not married and currently resides in Brisbane where he is writing his first book. He also has a network comedy show in the works and plans for a major motion picture later in the year. Brett also writes and edits for many of Australia's major comedy performers. To find out more Google Brett Sheargold or go to You Tube keyword Sheargold. Ok...Enough of the press blurbs...Is that what this is? A blurb... I had a blurb after a dodgy Chinese meal once.. I don’t use this MySpace as a promotional site and here's why.. This site is more of an insight as to what I do when I'm not doing comedy/radio/TV/film stuff.. There are lots of other things I do too,really cool stuff…It's also an insight for the people who only know "Hollywood" to get a chance to meet Brett.. Give the blog a read and feel free to leave comments.I love hearing from you..Enjoy,Hollywood,I mean Brett.... No I mean Hollywood.....Oh....Let's just say Brett or Hollywood Brett.No... Actually I prefer Brett...Sometimes I don't mind being called Hollywood..But mainly I prefer Brett..Or Mr Sheargold.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Here's footage of me on the new sleep drug Stilnox. A current affair and today tonight have been playing this clip ad nauseum as though this is a NEWS story. If any of the media outlets want to know the truth behind this staged clip, please feel free to contact me. This is a short film made in 2005 that was entered into the Tropfest film festival. (check out my rock star blond hair) Some language may offend.

My Blog

Yet another blog

Hey gang,sorry again for the late blog, but there is so much going on in my life, it seems the internet and my readers take a back seat to my non net world.First things first, the Darkroom is now call...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 08:49:00 PST

What???? another blog???????

Well it's a new blog.If my typing skills were better, there'd be so many more.First off; my health.Its good and I will make a full recovery.My doctors, Leo, Barbara and Catherine have been just fantas...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:12:00 PST

Finally a new blog!

Sorry for the lateness of my blog.Had so much going on in my life, had no chance to even go to the computer, let alone type a blog, even think about a blog.So I will keep it point form.Ok. First and ...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:39:00 PST

It's Time For Another Blog, So Here It Is.

Ok, time once again for another blog.I'll probably keep it short, but who knows.First the health details.There are good days there are bad days.It gets rather tiring but I'm keeping a brave face.Sadly...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 08:11:00 PST

Its a blog, a blog, a blog dammit!!

Hello Bloggo's, Great to be back, the blogs keep me sane.My health is still "meh" so a good blog keeps the brain going and helps me stay sane.Not much news to talk about except some stuff that will tu...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:01:00 PST

The Simpson's Movie Review

18 years in the making and it's finally here.The worlds favorite yellow faced dysfunctional family from Springfield in their first feature film.First a little background.I first saw the Simpson's when...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 06:01:00 PST

Its Blog Time!!

Hey bloggo's time for a blog,It keeps me sane.Health news first.I'm still sick.I'm on a cocktail of pills that makes me tired and emotional.My doc has prescribed me anti depressants so as sick as I f...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:28:00 PST

I Posted It As A Bulletin When I Should Have Posted It As A Blog

Just a quick blog to let you know that I am still here.First up, health.My abscess which according to my ultra sound is gone, sure is painful.Ultra sound doesn't pick up things as accurately as an x-r...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:50:00 PST

BAPS central

Hey there Bloggo's and Bloggettes.Been a really strange week for me and blogs are great therapy.I'll start with the WWE and the Benoit family tragedy.As many of you probably know I worked in pro-wrest...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 12:24:00 PST

No Blog Here, None What So Ever.

Trying to keep me brain functioning so I'm writing a blog.If you like really good films.Check out Peter Weirs early work, The Plumber.Great Aussie film, could watch that film over and over, the suspen...
Posted by Comedian Hollywood Brett Sheargold on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:14:00 PST