Green Chinese PotteryPretending to be an expert on tredny stuff thats not really enjoyable: cigars, wine, humanitarianism and raw foods
Ms. Tina Yothers,Ben Gazzara,His Holiness The Popeand that kid from the Dell commercials who got fired for smoking weed.
If you can clog dance to it.. I'M THERE!
Anything starring Ben Gazzara and the collected works of comedic genius Pauly Shore.
I don't own a television. Well, I do have one but I use it for a book shelf. Okay, once or twice I've let my hairs down and watched Jim Lehrer and CSPAN's Book review, BUT THATS IT!Oh and I like "My Super Sweet 16" too. I think Bjorn might be gay.. wonder if his mom knows..
Being Your Best: Tina Yothers's Guide for Girls
Miyamoto Musashi (I really wish he'd come out of retirement!)