The Grapplers Guide..You wll also be a member of one of the fastest growing sites related to the sport of grappling. You will be apart of a site that has like minded individuals who love the sport of grappling and are focused on improving their game and helping others improve as well all while showing respect and support for each other. You will find posts on:
Improving Your Gi Game
Improving Your No-Game
Improving Your Wrestling Performance
Improving Your Nutritional Habits
Improving Your Strength and Conditioning
Improving Your Teaching/Coaching Strategies
Running a Successful Gym/School
Recipes Geared Towards the Grappler
What Makes a Good Training Partner
What Makes a Good Instructor
Techniques to Add and Improve Your Game
Workout Logs
Video, Book, and Equipment Reviews
This isn't your usual site. It is a "Professional Site". What is a "Professional Site" you might ask?
A professional site is a place where there is:
Intelligent, friendly, helpful, and cooperative conversation.
Support for your members ideas and accomplishments.
Posting of content that will lead to the development of the grappling
community and the improvement of everyone's grappling performance
Posts that are placed in the proper forums and contain content that are
related to the proper forum. This will help keep this forum neat and organized
and will help all members find the information they are looking for much
quicker, which will in turn lead to the improvement of there grappling
Respectful debates on topics without it resulting into arguments and rude
A good level of maturity. Like stated there are many places to go on the
internet. So if you can not conduct yourself in a mature manner please go to
those other places.
No trolling or making of posts just to get a reaction out of people
No name calling, harassing, excessive use of profanity, stalking, and
anything else of that matter.
No spamming of the site with someones first few posts being advertisements.No spoilers posted where people can just seem them easily.
No debates over topics that won't lead any where such as: Gi vs. No-Gi or
Judo vs. BJJ, or anything else along those lines.