While I am not scaring the locals by slowly limping after them I enjoy playing and chatting about
Videogames with friends.
What is Video Games Zombies?
A forum created for gamers, In my time I have inhabited some. Time change and so do how they operate and people drift away that made the forums fun in the first place. So I decided to start my own and get the good times back with either old hacks or n00bies.
Why Video Games Zombies?
Well its a games forum, so the first part is a standard choice. Shorted in some cases to VG for ease. The Zombies part of the name came from work where we had a room full of artists working on what effectively was a boring and selfless task.
I used to kindly refer to them as Zombies.
Zombie's are a well known plot twist in video games, up there being invaded by aliens or in a battle in WW2.Finally Zombies are cool, just like Pirates and Ninja's.