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ug 2007 19:42:55 GMT

About Me

______________________ MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generatoryes...well i'm a guy searching for himself conscience. and this mean to find many things you agree with, but also manymany things you do not agree with at all. anyway i'm fine, and i'm pretty satisfied from the things i do in my life. hope in music for everything, ever...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone from the past, like a VIP vintage, or a great human artistic genius. And the main thing i would like to do, is to see his/her face, while showing the things that where created after his/her amazing records or simply amazing things..


EVERY TRACK HERE IS STILL WITHOUT VOICE..I'M WORKING ON IT, IF ANYONE THINK TO HAVE A GOOD LYRIC OR A GOOD MELODY, DON'T ESTITATE TO CONTACT ME AND TALK ABOUT IT...!!!!i love every one on this planet, and also anyone on any other planet; but my favouriteS are:
every single noise or burp by RADIOHEAD (as band or one by one)
than in casual order:
MORGAN / BLUVERTIGO (if you don't know them, check something out..unfortunately, for a full understanding you'll have to learn or translate the lyrics..)
all theJAZZ but the fusion
ARVO PART (that east european genius..)
manymany CLASSICAL composers..classics and contemporaneous
FRANK ZAPPA (but the too long guitar solos..)
BJORK (i was sick for hers music, i just stopped listen to her for my own health)
and many others that i just can't remember right now..oh! yes! absolutely
SIGUR ROS!!! (i'll never forget the 60 seconds of silence in th middle of a song during a concert here in Italy...they re-started just after the first single noise from the audience....just loveloveloveloveloved it..
and obviously i love all of my friends's music!

My Blog


SIAE LADRONA!Ancora una volta ci si trova a confronto con "cure medievali per il tuo c.. borderĂ²".La siae ha deciso che da quest'anno entrerĂ  in vigore il nuovo metodo rivoluzionario per evitare la fr...
Posted by momo on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:12:00 PST