D Delightful
A Arty
N Naughty
I Ideal
E Excellent
L Lazy
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Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
You're Johnny Knoxville! You're Normal!
Which Member of MTV Jackass Are You?
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It's Not Sex. It's ... :
Riding the Hobby Horse
Get your own Sex Name
You are the X!
What Punk Symbol are You?
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. You scored as Loner.
Drama nerd
Ghetto gangsta
What Evanescence Song Are You? (pics)
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Your Birthdate: September 9
Your birth on the 9th day of the month adds a tone of idealism and humanitarianism to your nature.
You become one who can work easily with people because you are broadminded, tolerant and generous.
You are ever sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you are very sympathetic and compassionate.
Your feeling run deep and you often find yourself in dramatically charged situations.
This 9 energy always tends to give more that it gets.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Which Incredibles Character Are You?
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Ernie Vegas
People Iced: Thirty Nine
Car Bombs Planted: Fourteen
Favorite Weapon Shards of Glass
Arms Broken: Two
Eyes Gouged: Eighteen
Tongues Cut Off: Thirteen
Biggest Enemy: The Tooth Puller
Get Your HITMAN Name
You are Dwight McCarthy! You are the hero who is
friends with all of the hookers! You are
caring and you want to help all that you can.
What Character From Sin City Are You?
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