my boy/my girl are power punk plays in the style of Blood Red Shoes/Tiger Force et all one minute, and ten-minute experimental white noise drones the next. They probably should work out which one they wanna head for, but for the meantime the happy medium is lovely.
Here is an interview we did for BBC Norfolk Introducing... talking about the Hot City Sounds festival.
BBC Norfolk Introducing... My Boy My Girl
Band e-mail:
Nelly's e-mail:
Nai's e-mail:
Nelly's mobile: 07920439212
(Nai doesn't want you to have her number. She has to deal with far too many stalkers as it is!)
^^ The HATEchild ^^
"Thrilled you will be by this duo’s guitar/electronics and drum machine driven ditties."
"A truly wonderful noise."
-The Tilting Sky
"Art punksters."
-Outline Magazine
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