Sugarfree Jazz profile picture

Sugarfree Jazz

droppin everyday

About Me

Knitting is cool. Right and wrong are just words. If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

Remember, be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Be not curious in unnecessary matters: for more things are shrewd unto thee than men understand.


My Interests

sharp pencils, cheap cigarettes, full bellies, endless smoke, sexy women, intelligent species, and the moral at the end of the story, jason, the most wonderful person in the world.

I'd like to meet:



RADIOHEAD, Nofx, Opeth, Weezer, Marcy Playground, Zepplin, Blind Melon, Bad Religion, White Stripes, Dresden Dolls, H20, Floyd, Floggin Molly, Pearl Jam, Bela Fleck and Flecktones, Ludacris, No Longer Mica;), Bob Dylan, STP, Kings of Leon, Sublime, Nirvana, The Mars Volta, Pennywise, SOAD, The Doors, Carter Beauford as a drummer, Keller Williams, Dropkick Murphy, Outkast, JOURNEY, Kanye West, BEATLES, Deftones, NIN, Chuck Berry, FOO FIGHTERS, Krayzie Bone, Smashing Pumpkins, HEART, Incubus, B.B. King, ALICE IN CHAINS, Soundgarden, Silverchair, Bone Bone Bone Bone Thugs, Fleetwood Mac, Smashing Pumpkins, Elton John, OLD METALLICA!, Tenacious D, Bouncing Souls, Tchaikovsky, Lil Wayne, Moody Blues, Neutral Milk Hotel, Otis Redding, PATD, Primus, RHCP, Sigur Ros, Talking Heads, classical in general, movie scores, big band, Thom Yorke, Tom Waits, The Killers, Postal Service, Third Eye Blind, THE POLICE, CAKE....and, of course, the one, the only, motherfuckin Eric Clapton


Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Matilda, Natural Born Killers, Half Baked, Goodbye Lenin, Mean Creek, The Doors, Snatch, Oceans 11 & 12, Lord of War, Lucky Number Slevin, Rules of Attraction, Secretary, Willy Wonka, The Green Mile, Braveheart, Life Aquatic, Day After Tomorrow..., Office Space, Shawn of the Dead, Hook!, Spiderman, all James Bond movies, American Beauty, Clerks, Harry Potter ;), LOTR, Tim Burton flix, Chronicles of Riddick, hehehe, anything Stanley Kubrick but especially..The Shining(say it right!), Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, and Dr. Strangelove..... American Psycho, 7, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, Boogie Nights, Garden State, I heart huckabees, fight club, Boondock Saints, Children of the Corn, High Fidelity, Fear and Loathing, Kaufman.....and more documentaries than an inferior human can stand!


That 70's Show, Futurama, Aqua Teen, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Simpsons, King of the Hill, Nip/Tuck, Mythbusters


the Harry Potter series, Make Me Zeus' Daughter, Memoirs of a Geisha, Chuck Palahniuk, The Hobbit, Running with Sissors, used to read a lot of King, Koontz, Rice, Gregory Maguire. anything enlightening, philosophy, psychology, music history, art history, anthropology, world war z, Brave New World and the zombie survival guide, James Joyce and, Tolkien, Currently Reading: The Fate of Man, Point Counter Point, and If Chins Could Kill,


Plato, Spiderman, Todd McFarlance and your mom impressed the hell out of me last night. "Until philosphers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy....cities will never rest from their evils-no, nor the human race..."

My Blog

why can't u leave the subject blank?

why spend so much time being a sponge and a travel stenographer?   riding other's backs and taking all they have.   working backwards for the mind.   read and understand experiement ...
Posted by He beat me on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 09:08:00 PST

Read the goddamn blog

You know, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need. How true. This is for all those who are wondering what's going on with me, mainly  m...
Posted by He beat me on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:18:00 PST

There's just nothing more fun

Than being able to play your music as loud as you want and as drunk as you want, even pantless. Time to dance. Try it sometime when noone's looking %P it's good for the soul ...
Posted by He beat me on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 01:06:00 PST

YOu may hate me for this but I don't care...

If anyone out there is truly interested in Radiohead or affiliates will be proud to hear that an album is about to be released. The I tell ya what, i was fooled....i thought f...
Posted by He beat me on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 09:46:00 PST

now that just doesn't make sense

So i went to check my gmail account today and I had a message from myspace saying that my account was deleted....obviously so. Now what does that mean? they wouldn't just send you an email about delet...
Posted by He beat me on Wed, 31 May 2006 09:19:00 PST

just another day? I THINK NOT!

IT'S 4 20 NIGGAS!!!!!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAAAAAHHAHAHA!   ...i wanna get high ...:*(
Posted by He beat me on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:21:00 PST

to stand and fight or love?

And as unjust as it is... i find myself torn between two worlds of thievery and mockery and lonliness For I sought company and there was none and stood too long against the villany and found no truth ...
Posted by He beat me on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 05:03:00 PST

for a friend

And with all the struggles, nothing can match the lonliness That is the weight on one's own heart so rejoice in the company of others, no matter how arbitrary! for time is short and true friends are f...
Posted by He beat me on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 04:58:00 PST

damn boyfriend

Is it just me or does this happen to everyone. My boyfriend has never posted a comment on MY myspace..... but he does on other girls....especially the ones I can't stand..(for obvious reasons) Why is...
Posted by He beat me on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:17:00 PST

Masturbation in the morning....i bet you wish you could read this one

i went to sleep thinking about it, I woke up thinking about it. i wanted your face and my little pink friend i could have tried to sleep for a couple more minutes but the temptation overpowered me fi...
Posted by He beat me on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 07:30:00 PST