What is the MyWebHut.com?
The Hut is a beefed-up online community conglomerate in it's second month live. It has basically all of the features of MySpace already - but, it's committed to doing everything MySpace does now, and better - as well as many things that MySpace will probably never do. Here's a brief look at what we're doing already, or works already in progress. Features in blue should be done by the end of the month.
Flash Arcade
2700+ free games you can play anywhere, anytime
Instantly put games directly on your profile
Creative Community Interaction
The finest forum software on the internet (phpBB) w/ hundreds more features than myspace
Create Quizzes for the whole community to take
Create Polls exactly the same way
Shoutboxes everywhere for instant communication
Message center for checking messages on any page Website Hosting
You can upload HTML, Image, and Flash files freely
DMOZ-style website directory to show off your site
Show off your website with your profile throughout our communityBeefy Blogging
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) text editor
Plugins for Digg and other major blogging sites
RSS feeds and blog reader plugins Performance
Everything's much faster (we don't overload servers)
Loads of AJAX (means full pages don't need to refresh to do lots of cool stuff)
Cooler Profiles
Super-slick Google maps / Google earth plugin for all profiles
Use HTML code OR use our complete integrated profile maker
Fill out as much or as little info as you like. Empty profile fields don't appear.And that's just to bring us up to this month. Our only downfall is that unlike MySpace and Facebook - we don't have millions of members. This is where we need you. Join the site . Bring all of your friends. Bring some people you don't even know. Lots of them. And we'll provide all of the features that no one else has even contemplated. Help us make Bloomington-Normal known for something other than Steak & Shake and State Farm Insurance.