i heart: Demons, Devils, Ghosts, Gods, Nightmares, Magick, Mayhem, Poltergeists, Pirates, Pilgrims, Popes, Evil Robots, Wizards, Warlocks, Witch Doctors, Skeletons, Alien Overlords, the decay of man made things, skinny girl legs in stockings, waiting on WW3, and stuff made out of pumpkins href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI3NS5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2pqMzIwL2FydDRhdWRpby8/YWN0aW9uPXZpZXcmY3 VycmVudD1Mb3JkWi0xLmpwZw==" target="_blank"> WWW.RYMCWILLIAMS.COM
Wm. S. Burroughs, Frank Zappa, Joe Strummer, John Lennon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Oswald Spengler, Pablo Picasso, Rasputin... hey, arent they all dead?????...............CHECK OUT SOME OF MY NEW ARTWORK FOR SALE at www.RYMCWILLIAMS.COMwww.RYMCWILLIAMS.COM
Beatles & Stones...(duh)......... then in no partcular order... Clash, Minutemen, X, Meat Puppets, Television and other bands that were punk but could actually write and play. 50's & 60's Jazz, Zappa, Black Sabbath, Captain Beefheart, Tom Gillam's Tractor Pull, the Band, Kings of Leon and other bands that sounds like scruffy, drunken potheads jamming in a cabin in the woods, Miles Davis, MM&W, Speedy West & Jimmy Bryant, Garcia, GbV, Butthole Surfers, the Ventures, any anonymous generic surf music, 70's & 80's British Metal, Kinks, Pink Floyd, Rush, King Crimson, Yes and All That Other Long Ass Wanky Guitar Shit from the 70's, Criminally Overlooked Geniuses like Can, Ozric Tentacles, Robert Pollard, Charlie Hunter, Magnetic Fields, etc. etc. etc. etc.. just come over and check out my record collection.....www.RYMCWILLIAMS.COM
Pulp Fiction, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Goodfellas, Fight Club, Blood Simple, Big Lebowski, film noir, cheezy old detective movies, Hitchcock, Cheech & Chong, whatever's on AMC or TCM.....
Mythbusters, Futurama, Entourage, John from Cincinatti, Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, Sixers
Burroughs, Vonnegut, Bukowski, Palanihuk, Nunn, Ginsberg, Spengler, Tolkien, Jeffers, Plath, Poe, Old Testament, WW2 stuff, biographies of people i find interesting, dictionaries, encyclopedias, weird old books
Ghengis Khan, James Brown, Tesla, Ben Franklin, WWW.RYMCWILLIAMS.COM ALL ORIGINAL WORKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CD COVERS, POSTERS, FLYERS, BAR MITZVAHS, and ALL OF YOUR OTHER ART NEEDS. drop me a line and we'll figure something out.