archè and phusis / texts and weaving / stage and screens / black and sound / memory and recording / tuchè and automaton / body and technics / living and rationality / prosthesis and sensuality / creation and war/ art and technè / thought and images / chaos and mind/ Beat of cities and knowledge / blood and beauty / energy and shapes / substance and freedom/ future and épistémè / love and law / sexuality and ontology / tension and compression /... Colapses
Medea, Accatone, Theorema, Salo, Paris Texas, The Birds, Lucifer Rising, Scorpio Rising, All by Carmelo Bene, Les Mains Négatives, Le Camion, Hiroshima Mon Amour, India Song, Son Nom de Venise dans Calcutta Désert, Vera Baxter, all by Bruce Conner, all by Straub and Huillet, La Notte, l'Eclipse, Mort à Venise, Le Guépard, Les Damnés, Vivre sa vie, Le petit soldat, JLG JLG, Hélas pour moi, King Lear, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, Eraserhead, Inland Empire, Vertigo, Le Silence, Persona, La jetée, Orange Mécanique, Elephant, Blade Runner, The Killing, Shadows, all by Paul Sharits, Stan Brackage, Le Vent de la nuit, L' Année dernière à Marienbad, Irreversible, La Haine, Les Yeux sans visage, ....
authors: Gilles Deleuze - Michel Foucault - Marguerite Duras - Franz Kafka - Stéphane Mallarmé- Heiner Müller - Don Delillo - Guy Debord - Emmanuel Kant - Spinoza - Nietzsche - Georges Dumezil - Greek mythology - Sénèque - Aristote - Thomas Bernard - Samuel Beckett - William Shakespeare - Noam Chomky - Richard Sennett - Alexander Kluge - Bertold Brecht - Antonin Artaud - Hannah Harendt - Walter Benjamin - Pier Paolo Pasolini - Catherine Perret - Jean Genet - Philippe-Alain Michaud - Eric Michaud - Henri Michaud - Marcel Mauss- Maurice Blanchot - Eschyles - J.G. Ballard - P. K. Dick - Maurice G. Dantec - Georges Bataille - Georges Simondon - Jacques Lacan - Edgar Allan Poe - Heinrich von Kleist - Dostoievski - Alain Robbe-Grilllet - James Elroy - Pierre Klossowski - Alberto Moravia - ... Writtings by artists, ...
Marina Abramovic and Ulay, Expanding in Space, 1977, Dokumenta 6, Kassel, 26'01''
Marina Abramovic and Ulay, Relation in Time, 1977, Studio G7, Bologna, 17 hours
Chris Burden, Shoot, November 19 1971, F-Space Gallery, Santa Ana, CaliforniaTECHNICS STRUCTURE BREATH
Glenn Gould playing J.-S. Bach's Goldberg Variation