Miss Envy is your BFF profile picture

Miss Envy is your BFF

I've laid in love, I've laid in lust.

About Me

My name is Envy.
I'm an East Coast gal.
I run industrywhore.com .
Music is my life.
Photography is my passion.
Tattoos are my weakness.
I adore cats.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
..a sucker for a kiss.
I enjoy cartoons. Alot.
I'm a vegetarian.
I love the ocean.
Holding hands makes me giggle like a school girl.
I'm a total pervert but I'm mostly harmless. *wink*

My Interests

Acting, Art, Astrology, Bass, BMX, Candles, Cartoons, Cheshire Cat, Comedy, Cuddling, Dancing, Entertainment, Guitar, Horror Flicks, Hotels, Kitties, Kissing, Love, Makeup, Music, Nailpolish, Nature, Piano, Photography, Porn, Romance, Singing, Skateboarding, Snuggling, Stars, Strippers, Tattoos..

I'd like to meet:

Everyone :)

My Blog


so yea, thanks to jay i have a new online obsession..trig.com. its awesome and everyone should add me. thats all for now. kthanks.
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 04:34:00 PST


I think that with the new year and all that I'm going to attempt to actually use my MySpace blog every now and then even tho I prefer LiveJournal. Alot of the blog posts will probably be about shit th...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 12:17:00 PST


Recently I have noticed that alot of bands have big egos and disrespect other bands, including bands that have paved the way for others to be able to be heard. What is up with that shit? Do people rea...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 05:24:00 PST

In Loving Memory...

1970 - 2005One Year ago today we lost our friend, our brother to cancer. He was the most amazing person to have ever walked into our lives and still is with us every single day. There is proof in that...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 12:43:00 PST

.a disclaimer of sorts.

it has recently been brought to my attention that i dont make it clear enough on what i mean so let me clarify:do NOT ask me for backstage passes or free tickets or anything of that sort EVER. if i wa...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 09:58:00 PST

.happy anniversary.

september 22nd, 2005 marked 2 years since ive been on myspace. how sad is that? ive had 31,536 profile views, which averages out to be about 43 views per day since i signed up. sometimes i wonder how ...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:54:00 PST


i just had to say goodbye to my best friend and it was hard..really hard. her family is moving to south carolina and she has to go with them. things are not going to be the same without her around. im...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

.myspace or yours.

recently i have seen a few posts on the myspace bulletins that almost seem anti-myspace..however theyre posted on here by people that are on myspace, so who knows..anyways, heres an example of one. be...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

RIP Scott Gotlieb

prayers go out to the friends and famlies of scott gotlieb. altho i may not have known him very well, from what i did know of him he was a great man. the music industry is loseing a great drummer and ...
Posted by Miss Envy is your BFF on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST