-she led me here
-and i love her for that
-she is not satisfied
-i am totally dedicated to her plan for me
-i see her everyday, everywhere
-i breathe her in, and she consumes me
-with her, i have 42 (fortitude)
-she gets jealous.
*baSiics* by gemmak
name::: Jordan E. Russell
age::: 26
biirthday::: 6/21/81
biirthplace::: Cleveland, OH
current lOcatiiOn::: Greater Los Angeles
eye cOlOur::: brwn
hair cOlOur::: blk
heiight::: 5'11"
piierciingS:: oh no! not me!
tatOoS::: tres. they are my creed
what perfume dOo yOu wear ::: umm colgne? Itz Guess
cOlOur::: blu and green
muSiic::: hi powered and empowering
spOrt::: Basquetbol
fOod::: fruit and pizza
*thiiS Or that*
hugS Or kiSseS::: Kissing her is all that I can think of
pepSii Or cOke::: pineapple juice
mcdonalds Or burger kiing::: Taco Bell
chOcOlate Or vaniilla::: chocolate
lOver Or fiinghter::: Love
lOve or mOney::: hmmm?
liSten tOo sOmeOne talk Or talkiing::: both
persOnaliity Or lOokS::: personality canmake her look better, but not vice versa
*iin a bOy/giirl*
eye cOlOur::: brown
hair cOlOur::: dark
shOrt Or lOng::: i'm not picky
heiight::: shorty more than likely
style::: strong
piierciings Or tatOoS::: whatever floats your boat
hOt Or cute::: cot or hute.
whO'S yOur best friiend::: Eileen/Menelek
whO'S the lOudest::: Big
whO's have yOu knOwn lOngest::: Eileen, I was there when they brought her home
whO's the shyeSt: Brandon
cOolest friiend::: jaybo the eniggma
prettiest friiend::: Matasa and Kellee Hunter(R.I.P.)
weiirdest friiend::: jaybo the eniggma
are yOu in lOve::: a little
iif yOu're nOt iin lOve, have yOu ever been::: oh yes
dOo yOu beliieve iin lOve at fiirSt siight::: maybe, who knows?
lOngest relatiiOnShiip::: 2 years
wOuld yOu gOo out with sOmeOne just fOr theiir mOney::: not at all
dOo yOu gOo On "piity dateS"::: guilty
kiSs On the fiirSt date::: yeah
sex On the fiirst date::: probably not
ever cheated On a b/f or g/f be hOnest::: i don't remember
*whO's the laSt perSon*
kiiSsed::: Porsche
hugged::: Ashley
tOld yOu they lOved yOu::: Mom
tOld them yOu loved them::: Mom
talked tOo on the phOne::: Ashley
yelled at::: I yell?
brOke yOur heart:: Wynnette Boykin
saiid they hated yOu::: Shot Dunyon
yOu tOld them yOu hated them:: Greene Taylor Simms
*randOm queStiions*
dOo yOu dOo drugS::: ibuprofen/psylocibin/distilled spirits
dOo yOu driink::: drinnk what?
dOo yOu want tOo get marriied::: that would be amazing! ur gonna make me cry.
dOo yOu want tOo have kiids:: yeah, but with 2012 coming up, who knows?
dOo yOu beliieve iin yOurSelf:: you should too!
dOo yOu thiink yOur attractiive::: sometimes. try not to think about it.
what celebriity dOo mOst peOple say yOu reSemble::: Dave Chappelle/Duane Martin
what waS the last mOviie yOu saw iin the therater? waS iit gOod::: The Darjeeling Limited
can yOu handle the truth::: Indeed
biigest fear::: drowning/complete failure
most miiSsed memOry::: my first apartment/ mycomedy showcase/thanksgiving with fam
fiirSt thOught waking up::: Get The Cheddar
iif yOu dOn't recOnise the number on yOur phOne , dOo yOu answer::: i must
hOw dOo yOr want tOo diie::: assassination in Naples, iTALY
dOo yOu swear::: by the moon and the stars in the sky
number of past regrets::: 2 or 3
what tiime iis iit::: 9:50 am PT
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