This is about geting all girled up and rocking it out!
It all began many years ago.
It was late!
Yes, It was dark!
I was drunk!
and the moon was full!
I found my self warndering the streets of downtown.
And then I came Upon....................
"Tranny Central!"
I didn't think much of it I felt safe around this side of town, and my buzz was starting to wear off. So I figured that I duck into the alley way and smoke a joint.
"What could possibly go wrong?" I thought"I'm not scared of transexuals!"
So I fired that dubbie up and the next thing I know is that a beautiful woman has approached me and asks for a hit of my weed.
"Sure thing!" I replied "Anything for a beautiful woman such as your self!"I gave her my dube and with one mighty hall she devoured the entire spliff!
"Thanks" she said and with out any warning grabbed me and pushed her body up to mine. It was then I knew she was not a real woman. "Is that a banana up your skirt?" I whispered. "Shut up!" she replied and kissed me square on the lips. The kiss was long, hard and with lots of tongue. It was quite amazing really!
What I did not know at the time was that she wasn't like the other she-males, she was what you call a ware-she! The kiss that she gave me was like a vampire bite and she had just infected me with her super human transformation powers.
This is what has made me into what I am today!
Kind of like a warewolf! Except every full moon I loose all my body hair,
put on some makeup and wear a pretty dress!
It's my friends who inspire me!