awesome electronic music, geeky fashion, puters and gadgets, music toys, making choons
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- new comp on subVariant with Quench, Kero, Tim Koch, R_Garcia, Quantazelle (me), Matthew Mercer, Sense, Marshall Watson, Set in Sand, Derek Michael, Ochre, Phylum Sinter, edIT, Frederique Garvin, Popkan, and Zainetica. [GET IT FROM iTUNES] or [ORDER IT ONLINE]
I also dig people like phonem, proem, richard devine, funckarma, aphex twin, miles tilmann, funkstorung, quantazelle, luomo, rj valeo, jimmy edgar, tim koch, sense, cepia, chris clark, solace, string theory, kero, mr projectile, thomas brinkmann, twerk, akufen, com.a, string theory, matthew dear, audion, ochre, esem, popkan, t.raumschmiere, marshall watson, r.garcia, atropa, fred garvin, autechre, prefuse 73, plaid, luke vibert, atropa, metamatics, ricardo villalobos, detroit underground, bitstream, lusine, adam johnson, sense, pantytec, phonem, akufen, bj0rk, atropa, apparat, edIT, omg on and on and on....
The Diamond Age, Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Count Zero, Digital Mantras
People who can do math without a calculation device of any sort.