music production, djin, marxism, the contraditions in my lifestyle that arise from being a leftist in a capitalist economy, human rights, nerds, geeks, dorks and under dogs, old school adventure games (monkey island, dott, sam and max, anything adventure by lucus arts. some seirra like gabriel knight I, II are good), graphic design
Since a young age i have been drawn to people that have felt the same disgust as i have for the status quo. revolution or evolution. to be stagnant is to be dead. ..and i mean this when i quote kerouac...
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to talk, mad to live, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing"
young people that actually believe in something.
but above all, people that understand sympathy and empathy.
playlist for the days before, around, and after:
Convextion - Convextion
Group XeX -xex
Green Velvet - The Nineties
Deepchord - The Coldest Season Part 1 + 2
bat for lashes - Fur & Gold
false - fed on youth
Shackleton - next to nothing
dave aju - the tables turn
theo parrish - sound sculptures volume 1
Theo Parrish
in the mood for love, days of being wild, magnolia, blade runner, miyazaki movies(esp porco roso), clueless, suburbia (linklater) back to the future, high fidelity, dark days, dead man walking, goodbye south goodbye, karate kid, fargo, kids return, city of sadness, children underground, mysterious skin, metropolis, man with a movie camera (2003 cinematic orchestra version), rebels of a neon god, vive l'amour, Mahjong, love gogo,
queer as folk, twin peaks, simpsons, blackadder.
the rule of the bone, 100 years of solitude, the communist manifesto, the picture of dorian gray, the happy prince, users guide to reason 2, power tools for reason 2.5, the PDF file that came with live 5.0... poorly written but invaluable info.
Hou Hsiao-Hsien
the man standing infront of the tanks during 6/4
Patrick Wolf
Tsai Ming-Liang
suicide hotline workers