IAN HIXX profile picture


psychedelic shack! that's where its at!

About Me


My Interests

music. ableton live. skyscrapers/ urban architecture and design. jacques cousteau. france. sneaking my flask into bars. gin martinis. carlo. chilaquiles. scotland. dicking around on the internet at work. drinking at work on fridays. biking. best week ever blog. sparks plus. JACK BURNS

I'd like to meet:

MMM skyscraper I love you

make fun of me to my face, INSTANT MESSAGE: ihixxx


optimo espacio. gang of four. crispy ambulance. depeche mode. soulwax. blackstrobe. department s. wire. robotnik. reinhard voigt. lipps inc. the homosexuals. ivan smagghe. erol alkan. faust. blancmange. ike yard. can. hawkwind. neu! underworld. french pop music. motorhead. zeke. mudhoney. akufen. the boys. the sonics. the castaways. shadows of knight. os mutantes. office products. solenoid. DJ broken window. throbbing gristle. the kinks. agoria. buff medways. daft punk. cassius. luke vibert. devo. berlin. kylie. the police. softcell. gerling. boards of canada. the cars. LFO. skinny puppy. autechre. yard. aphex twin. loose joints. the contotrions. ESG. m50. grauzone. magazine. the units. vitalic. the monks. a frames. john carpenter. the immortals. the squeeze. soft pink truth. ministry. UR. tussle. DFA. john starlight. m mayer. arthur russell. vitalic. donna summer. midnight mike. AFX. art of noise. DAF. nitzer ebb. the monks. voxtrot. SPK. kano. a certain ratio. 23 skidoo. konk. lindstrom. cajmere. sand. residual echos. health. don armando's 2nd ave. rhumba band. aural exciters. cabaret voltaire. silver apples. fifty foot hose. 808 state. bobby orlando. the swans. divine. fad gadget. burning witch. alex smoke. westbam. serge santiago. goldfrapp. riton. suicide. boris. love. beach boys. non. digitalism. portion control. liars. zoo brazil. john foxx. comets on fire. dungen. tuxedomoon. chromatics


bladerunner, liquid sky, tron, thx-1138, barry lyndon, wicker man, the sting, death race 2000, Werner Hertzog, the omen, butch cassidy and the sundance kid, trainspotting, videodrome, fast times at ridgemont high, gothic, westworld, trainspotting, logans run, road warrior. I absolutely love post-apocolyptic movies like: madmax, a boy and his dog, six string samauri, all that stuff, it's great.


Ali G, cops, curb your enthusiasm, quantum leap, The Office (UK version, not the shite american one), Family Guy, Shark Week, Simpsons, Documentaries, I really can't into TV dramas, even the ones on HBO, sorry guys, I think they're crap.


the silent world, the memoirs of barry lyndon, one day in the life of ivan denisovich, the sheltering sky


Lance Armstrong, Larry David, Bill Murray, Ricky Gervais

My Blog

Back from Europe... Photos!

So, I'm back from my trip to Europe.  It was amazing, Glasgow was great.  It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and party like crazy at Optimo, still the best night ever!  ...
Posted by IAN HIXX on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:58:00 PST

I'm Just Sayin' it Once...

DISCREET MUSIC BLOG Guess what kind of blog that is... And just to clear it up, NO relation to Discrete Music, some chicago promotion thing (ps they're spelled differently and mean different things).....
Posted by IAN HIXX on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:00:00 PST


yo yo yo,I've got some server space from my good friend Alex in Santa Barbara so I'm going to start posting some mixes for youse to enjoy... the first of these installments will be the HIXXXDISKOMIXXX...
Posted by IAN HIXX on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:37:00 PST

I'll do my duty and i'll do it well, DIE YOU SON OF BITCH!

soooo many of you may have seen that post about my phone being submerged in "water" I thought that was it, dead... it wasn't turning on, no response to the charger etc.  anyway, I just tried it a...
Posted by IAN HIXX on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 01:58:00 PST

AIM, impending doom and other stupid thoughts

So, in my attempt to revert entirely to my tech-nerdy teenage self, I have created an AIM thing, it you want to make fun of me live, here is my screen name (uhg, even typing the word screen name makes...
Posted by IAN HIXX on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 01:49:00 PST

new bike

I got a sweet peugeot road bike and managed to figure out how to free the other one, now I have many bikes, let's ride...
Posted by IAN HIXX on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:38:00 PST

drunk of the week

this is my first attempt at bloging, mostly because I am bored to tears and have a pounding hangover that is preventing me from doing anything productive. Anyhoo, so I don't know if you know of a wee...
Posted by IAN HIXX on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 04:32:00 PST