I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
I'm JuSt An OrDiNaRy GiRl -_-
BeInG sInGlE aNd HaPpY
I feel like a song without the words..
A man without a soul..
A bird without its wings..
A heart without a home..
I feel like a knight without a sword..
The sky without the sun..
cos you are the one..I feel like a ship beneath the waves..
A child that lost its way..
A door without a key..
A face without a name
I feel like a breath without the air..
And every day's the same..
since you've gone away..I gotta have a reason to wake up in the morning..
You used to be the one that put a smile on my face..
There are no words that could describe how I miss you..
and I miss you everyday..