SuffLiQxX~ profile picture


My Life,My Way,My Choice

About Me

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I aM 5'7,167,BrOwNiSh HaiR/eYeS. I rEaLLy eNjOy TraVeLiNg tO eXoTiC aNd BeaUtiFuL LoCaTioNs. My FaVoUriTe DeStiNaTioNs haVe BeEn SwiTzErLaNd,MaNcHeStEr,PaRis aNd JaKaRta. I LoVe tHe oUtDoOrS aNd gEtTiNg aLL muDdiEd uP, bUt tHeN reLaXiNg aT a %DaY sPa aNd gEtTiNg a MaSsaGe. In oThEr WoRdS I CaN rOuGh iT, bUt I LiKe tO bE PaMpErEd aS weLL! I aLsO eNjOy DiNnErs wiTh mY wOnDeRfuL fRiEnDs, GiGs, cLuBbiNg, MoViEs, ThEaTeR aNd CoNcErTs. NoOnE iS GoInG To hELp U In tHiS WoRLd. U GoT To eArN EvErYtHiNg U WanT iN LiFe. i TaKe thaT MiNdSeT eVeRyDaY iN LiFe "Me aGaiNsT ThE wOrLd". aLwAyS sPeAk YoUr mInD NeVeR LeT AnYoNe sToP YoU. bE StRoNg NEvEr GiVe Up aLwAyS SpEaK fRoM yOuR HeArT.yOu cAn sEe i hAvE aLL tYpEs Of siDeS To mY pErSoNaLiTy WhIcH Is kInDa CrAzY iN A WaY. SoFt, HarD, sWEet My pASsIoNaTe SiDe, dePeNdS hOw a pErsoN aCtS ArOuNd mE...

i'M hApPiLy tAkEn By hEr

My Interests

foOd, bUiLdInGs, sTrUcTuReS, sCuLpTuReS, sKeTcHeS, DJ'iNg,sHuFfLiNg, tRaVeLiNg,cReATiNg mOdELs,R/C CaRs, PaiNtBaLL, CoLLeCtiNg fLyErS, cHiT-ChaT, hAnG-oUt, PoeTrY, pHoToGrApHy aND LoTs MoRe tO CoMe.. *CLICK ABOVE LOGO TO ACCESS LSD GROUP DETAILS*

I'd like to meet:

mY BaByGurL ReBeCcA, mY LoNg, LoSt fReNz...GuYs,WeR R U??...CoMe oUt, CoMe OuT wEr eVa u R!!! STRICTLY No HyPoCrItEs, sTaLkErS, sTrAnGeRs pLs!!!Do KeEp iN MiNd, i'M aLrEaDy TAKEN...=)


rAVe, DrUm&baSs, r&B, sOuL, tRaNcE, hOuSe, JuNgLe, tEcHnO, PrOgReSsiVe... aNd aNY"THING" dAt iNvoLvEs sCrAtChInG, MiXiNg & TuRnTaBLeS, "THINGS" dAt COuLd mAkE U MOvE Ur bOdY!!!GroOVy bAbY!...


tOp gUn, tHe fAsT & tHe fUrIoUs, a WaLk tO ReMeMbEr, Bad bOys, BeFoRe & aFtEr, rEd sKieS, MissiOn iMpOSsibLe, VaNiLLa sKiEs, KiLL BiLL & I jUz LoVe HoRrOr MoViEs... It MaKeS mE LaUgH!!!KkKk..........


naTIoNAL GeOGrAphic, thE SiMpSoNs, ThAt 70's ShOw, fRIeNdS, JuSt sHoOt mE, CSI, uVj, PuNk'D, mTv, mTv AmPuH, mTv cRiBs, cHaNNeL[v], cLuB[v]... & eTc.


HmMm...BoOkS...bOoKs...bOoKs...i'LL rEaD AnYtHiNg eXcEpT HiStOrY StUFf... iT MaKeS Me DoSe ofFFfFfFFfFf.... To sLEep!!!.... ZzzZzzZZZzZZz.. =P


My FaMiLy, FrEnS & My LiL'pRinCeSs ReBeCcA

My Blog

Poem~A Brand New Love

A Brand New Loveby SuffianLate at nightMy thoughts drift to youAnd of our loveThat is brand newI think of allWe've shared thus farEvery dream we wishedUpon a starMaking memoriesYou and IOur spirits so...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 10:26:00 PST

is this love..

Is This Love?How do you know when you've found your soulmate?by Suffian"How do you know if it is really love?" Well, love is such a strange, wonderful thing that nobody really has codified what it is ...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:31:00 PST

I've finally realised it...

Life is merely a process, in which the soul constantly grows & flourishes in its simple pleasures & tribulations. It's impossible to live a life without regrets, without wanting to go back &am...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 12:33:00 PST

PöèM~ QùèStiöN öF LöVè...

Question of Loveby SuffianAm I a part of your worldIn which you exist?Do I make you feel like a desireYou can't resist?Is this love we share,Or a lust that could never compare?Can you allow me to cher...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

PöèM~ DèSpèRäTè HèäRt...

Desperate Heart by Suffian Loneliness has always been A shadow of mine, Because whenever I fall in love I become insane and blind Risking my everything Just for the one I adore, Though I kno...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Unnoticed by Suffian Am I a shadow that follows you around? Whenever you turn, you see the ground But when you look at my face You see another image you just cant erase I have a feeling I...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

PöÉm~wHiSpÉrS iN Dä DärK...

Whispers In The Dark by Suffian It's three o'clock in the morning I'm holding my angel so tight The covers are completely over us It's been such a magical night Hearing soft whispers in the ...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

PöÉm~ÚnTiL Wé DäNcÉ äGäiN...

Until We Dance Again by Suffian I'll feel you in the sunshine And in the moonlight too When a gentle breeze Blows across my lips I'll know that it was you I didn't get to feel the touch Of...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

PöÉm~ä SpÉäCiäL äNgÉL FöR YõÚ...

A Special Angel Just For You. by Suffian I'm sending my Angel of strength, I'm sending my Angel of hope. May you be blessed with eternal Love, And be shown a way to cope. I'm sending my An...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dö YöÜ LiKé PöéTrY's...

HeY GuYS...dO u eNjOy rEaDiNg Or wRiTiNg PoEtRyS... I juZ LOvE It...!!! WeLL,NuThIn MuCh , NoT rEaLLy a GooD PoEt... BuT JUz GiViNg iT A TrY... JuZ WaNNa sHaRe mOrE kNoWLeDgE WiF U gUyS tHrU Ur cOm...
Posted by SuffLiQxX~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST