Out of desperation, someone once put Max on a flyer to open for a few touring bands. Max had no band, so he teamed up with his banjo, Salty Dog, and played all the songs that he could remember from when he played with his friends' band, the Dan Kimbro Medical Center. Hence a lot of the songs Max and Salty Dog were playing were written by Dan Kimbro. But they were living 6,000 miles away from Dan at the time, so they figured they'd get away with it. Also, Max and Salty Dog once ripped off a song from the drummer and sang it in a competition and won 100 euro. But that guy's a dick and punched Max in eye so it's cool that Max and Salty Dog stole his song. Max and Salty Dog also like Dave Nelligan. But Max, Salty and Dave wrote Phone Number together, so it's not ripping it off when they play it. Oh and that song Hallebooja draws no influence from that Leonard Cohen dude's song of a similar name, so it's not ripping off either. Booyah.
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