marvin//((A))))gain profile picture


Quite Unimpressive And I Wear The Same Clothes Everyday....

About Me

My name is Marvin. I attempt to play bass and scream in a band named "People Again."

Other than that, I'm just another ordinary, ornery guy, living somewhat of an ordinary life, stressing about the same ordinary shit.

MAXIMUM ROCK N ROLL July 2007, Issue 290"Hailing from Kenosha and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PEOPLEAGAIN plays crust punk with '80s metal tendencies (including Judas Priest) with socially conscious, well-written lyrics (nearly lost to over photocopied, high contrast lyric sheets written in cursive handwriting; just about impossible to read, but worth the struggle...). PEOPLEAGAIN's sound sways stylistically song to song, and you begin to feel as though you could be listening to different bands, with side one being the more cohesive listen. "Excessive Force" and "Neverending Task" stand out the most on this four song EP; the vocals are throaty and raw and the riffage reminds me of ARTIMUS PYLE and BUMBKLAAT." (BS)

My Interests

Alternative lifestyles, cultures of the world, psychology, sociology, ideaology, feminism, anarchism, D.I.Y., linguistics, art, science, unfictionalized world history, sub-cultures, coping with life/death, guitar gear, tattoos, music, theater, spoken word, organic foods, irony and sarcasm.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can hold a decent conversation. Loners, "losers," and anybody who is socially ackward are more than welcome as well. Boneheads and "oxygen breathers" need not apply.


His Hero Is Gone, Tragedy, Wolf Brigade, From Ashes Rise, High On Crime, Artimus Pyle, Asschapel, Battle Of Disarm, Protess, Assault, Power Of Idea, World Burns To Death, Severed Head Of State, DS-13, Shikabane, Racetraitor, Hinkley, Born Dead Icons, Seven Days Of Samsara, Malfaction, Shadows Fall, Iron Maiden, Hellshock, Warcry, Comeback Kid, Breather Resist, The ((love)))) Movement, Hand To Mouth, Mass Separation, Selfish, Forca Macabra, Anthrax, Isis, Neurosis, Cult Of Luna, Boris, Subhumans, Discharge, Crass, Born/Dead, Garmonbozia, Kylesa, Damad, Skitsystem, Victims, Witch Hunt, Iron Lung, Detestation, Gauze, GISM, Disclose, To What End?, Sunday Morning Einsteins, Bruce Banner, Iskra, Ballast, Wartorn, Phobia, Pontius Pilate, Aghast, Condenada, Sin Ordin, Los Crudos, Fun People, La Fraccion, Signal Lost, Coliseum, Black Cross, Fighting Dogs, Avskum, Conflict, Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus, Sepultura, Morbid Angel, Damnation, Deathreat, RAMBO, Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Scorpions, Venom, old-Forbidden, Napalm Death, Social Distortion/Mike Ness, No Use For A Name, Bad Religion, bluegrass, traditional country, rockabilly, ska, reggae, folk and techno.


Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Requiem For A Dream, Halloween, The Exorcist, The Weather Underground, The Grave Of The Fireflies, Lord Of The Flies, Gummo, Bowling For Columbine, Forrest Gump, The Life Of David Gale, The Outsiders, etc


I absolutely despize reality television and the vast majority of crap that's on television. Therefor, I do not watch it. The shows I use to watch as a kid are the ones I wish I had all on DVD: The Wonder Years, Married With Children, Comic Strip Live, Benny Hill, In Living Color, 21 Jump Street, Mr. Belvidere, and few more.


Dharma Punx, The Jungle, Rumble Fish.....the list goes on and on.........


Tammi My Pookie, who makes me laugh and appreciated the smaller things in life. My brother for his patience and love. My sister for her tough love. My mother for her devotion and care and my father for always putting us first. My nieces and nephews for loving me unconditionally and enthusiastically greeting me everytime I see them. My dearest friends who keep me in check and accept me no matter what my faults are.

My Blog

Nine Years.....

Nine years and this wound seems so fresh like it was yesterday.  Nine years and I cannot even recall how many days I've felt like I was missing something.  I do admit, there are days when I...
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:26:00 PST


You know, I shouldn't even be feeling this way:  old, jaded, etc, but the feeling of letting go is starting to consume me.  Next month, I turn 30, and some of the things I really
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 04:48:00 PST

They Make You Bleed Your Turn

--leeches like leeches:  in ignorance we trust....if you say this way, I will take that way....fuel for the fire on which I thrive....spit me out:  I'm glad I don't me the sp...
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 02:41:00 PST

Searching For The Great Unknown

For so long now, as long as I can remember, I was never afraid of dying but never knew how to live.  Now that I've learned the immense value of life, mine as well as others, I'm learning to live ...
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 12:32:00 PST

Take A Flying Leap..............

I am surrounded by despair.  Everyone is needy, everyone is missing something, everyone is desperate to fill in their voids.  Immediate gratification doesn't always fill in the void, but it ...
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:54:00 PST


Stepping back, living life, working for free at a group makes me want to abandon everything else just to have those few hours free to try and do more good or at least recover emo...
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:55:00 PST

Something Less Profound......

As recurring as flashbacks in incriments of the broken lines in the road at night....hypnotized by the hallucinations of faces, shame....slowly, picturesque, the autumn winds sway the tre...
Posted by marvin//((A))))gain on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 03:08:00 PST