Member Since: 2/13/2007
Band Members: jan roth trio:
ronny graupe - git..
rodolfo paccapelo - bass..------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------norman bates quintett:
norman bates - voc..
dj malik - turntables, sounds..
philip milner - keys..
alex binder - bass..------------------------------------------------------
marcus kesselbauer - sax..
tim allhoff - piano..
andreas kurz - bass..------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------yelena k and the love trio:
yelena k - voc..
kristian kowatsch - piano..
gary hoopengardner - bass..------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------christoph bernewitz trio:
christoph bernewitz - git..
matze eichhorn - bass..------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------weimar bigband
Influences: ein fluss, zwei flüsse
Sounds Like: nichts
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None