Carazy Paint profile picture

Carazy Paint

A little paint and a whole lotta lovin :)

About Me

/ Salvador dali

I started this page 2/12/07 and I am happy to say that the new friends I have made on here totally kick butt! Thanks to all of you and your helpful pointers, I am getting better and better with each painting. Painting is my heart and I try like hell each and every stroke of the brush. . I will be adding new paintings as I am inspired, that seems to be pretty often these days. They take me a while to produce because I am still learning but not too long ;) Keep checking in daily for new updates. Please leave comments, I truly value your opinion and all the advice you can offer. I'm open for ideas. Honesty is appreciated but you dont have to be a complete D*ck. :) thanks~

My Interests

I started painting a few years back. Only until recently have I kept up with it. My first picture was the Madonna one, you can find in my picture section. After that it was a while. I gave up easily watching my friends paint amazing pictures (CC kicks ass and has helped me along so many times) and here I was painting my little heart out and the end result was not to my liking. I decided not to let that get to me any longer, thanks to my best friend Marie, Andy, Fab,CC Munga and my little sister:) I started to paint more and as I finish each one, I can see that my skill is improving. Bottom line... practice. If you really want something to happen you must work for it. All in all I am pretty happy with the end results now, not only because I try so hard but, because people are starting to give me some great feed back :) So, I thank all of you for taking the time to look over my work and giving me a heads up on how to improve (Mr. Myiagi). It truly means a lot to me and who knows when I am 140, I may be pretty kick ass! 3 Some more stuff... I like anything that can make me laugh, considering I laugh at everything I am a bit annoying but.. yeah. I dont like people who make fun of people and think thats funny, I wish for those saps to piss thier pants in public :) Now that would be funny. Obviously I love art.. every aspect of it. I also have a weakness for poetry as well. I'm a pretty upbeat person but fall into my dark moments, thats when I really enjoy writing and painting. Music soothes me and I know pretty much every word to every song, those I don't... I make up or mumble so well that you'd never know. I sing, dance and eat paste. That pretty much sums it up.

I'd like to meet:

She keeps the light on
through a mini chandler in her head
A throw rug, a few bats, a paint brush,
and pencils with no lead.
She decorates her mind space with butterflies and angel wings
The sharp object tucked away in a cotton cloth,
accompanying a pack of stale, generic cigarettes.
A bottle of red sits on her dresser
while she ponders her mistakes
It’s her reflection that comforts her
She’s going to be ok
She shuffles around the butterfly,
and posts a note upon his wing
A name and familiar address….If Lost, please return to me
~*Forbidden fruit*~
One taste, I have become addicted
how could I ask for anything more
This greedy, indicisive, illusion
like a child in a candy store.
I wait with anticipation,
for your claws to penetrate my mind,
erase all the others
who have wasted my precious time.
Like a flower, I need water
but please dont make it rain
I'm already an ocean of emotions
who does not need another wave.
So take this darkness lightly and
remain the apple of my eye
Because if your temptation show signs of poison,
this beauty will not bite.
~creelup~ (me)

Your Inner Eye Color Is Green
You're off-scale unique and creative - just like green eyes
You're peaceful, relaxed, and easy to be around
You've got an exotic flair that draws men in... with unique beauty. What's Your Inner Eye Color?


I'm a big supporter of local bands.I'll listen to anything although I may run far,far,away if I am subjected to any hard core rap. Sorry I just cant get into it. No offence just not my thang.


I'm so bad at remembering movie titles :S But yeah, I like them...


Not too into TV. I am addicted to Greys Anatomy though and I can get into any crime related shows. Forensic Science sucks me in, and the history channel... For the most part, I only watch TV one night a week.


I'm short so I use them to boost myself up while sitting at the dinner table... Nah, I am an advid reader. Not into the romance novels though, ya know the ones that say "His throbbing elbow grazed my ankle" I think they are funny and a bit retarded.


Wonder Woman and My cats.

My Blog

Oh my aching head

Training Wheels   Feeding this starving alien of a mind Composing lyrics to insane strings of an orchestra Bleeding paranormal visions cut deeper and deeper Sorrowful laughter you're a pathetic e...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:01:00 PST

Oh my aching head

Training Wheels   Feeding this starving alien of a mind Composing lyrics to insane strings of an orchestra Bleeding paranormal visions cut deeper and deeper Sorrowful laughter you're a pathetic e...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:01:00 PST

My 4 says I have to do this & hes smart =D

..> Number 4 says I have to do this. Leave your name in my blog comments. Once you do that, this is what I'll do ...1. I'll respond with something random about you.2. I'll tell you which song...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 03:30:00 PST

Yeah so Im a little... yeah, not so much

Hello  and thank you for coming to check this out. I am working on a few new paintings, crap I feel like such a slacker. I started a new job a few weeks back and the hours are killing me UGH...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:33:00 PST

Mind taking flight *fwooooosh*

This started while I was in my car driving home from work.  My lil mind just took off with a million thoughts and then I called Rie with my melt down, hahaha. So... I came home and blogged a...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:17:00 PST

sometimes a friend turns into a monkey and flings poo

We have all been seriously kicked by a friend. Im not talking the normal "I ruined your sweater I borrowed" or "Sorry I havent called you in a while" kick , I'm talking the steel toed boot to the hea...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 05:22:00 PST

Paint without colors

Some of you have read these from my other "regular" page but I wanted to share the poetic side of Carazy paint with my new friends.   Traced My heart endures scars from those who have manipulated...
Posted by Carazy Paint on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:00:00 PST