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About Me

I was born in Brazil and have been in Canada most of my life. Currently I am a solitary witch. I am following an eclectic path due to my diverse culture.

My Interests

Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, Magick, Astrology, Crystals, Herbalism, Flower Essences, Yoga, Books, Writing, Tarot, Faeries, Egypt,Mayan Civilization, Celtic, Mythology, Music,Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball, Spells,Dream, Fitness (Gym), Body Building, Movies, Hockey, Soccer (Brazil #1) , Animals, Art, Painting , Drawing What is Your Magick Path?
WICCA - Wicca is a joyous religion springing from the kinship with nature. It is a merging with the Goddesses and Gods, the universal energies which created all in existence. It is a personal, positive celebration of life.
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I'd like to meet:

I like to meet lots of people!!!CURRENT MOON lunar phases


Glittery texts by

NIN, Korn, Evanescence, Neverending White Lights, Peaches, Nelly Furtado, Hedley, Pussycat Dolls, Goth Music, My Chemical Romance, Depeche Mode, Green Day, Madonna,Papa Roach, Prodigy, Black Eyed Peas, Brazilian Music, Marilyn Manson, Wumpscut, Seether, 30 Seconds to Mars, Dirty Vegas, Delerium,Enya, Tool, Jakalope,Audioslave, Three Days Grace, and Much Much More.... I have so much music that I like that this would go on forever....


Glittery texts by

Matrix, Blade, Underworld, Spaceballs, Reservoir Dogs, Blair Witch Project, Van Helsing, Pirates of the Caribbean, Stigmata, Witchboard, Salem's Lot, Dracula, Vlad, Bedazzled, Vampire out for Blood, Ghost Ship, Four Rooms, Queen of the Damned, John Carptenter Vampires, Swordfish, The Transporter, X-Men, Resident Evil, Cheech and Chong Movies, Dogma, Clerks, The Mummy, The Scorpion King, Boondock Saints, The Mothman Prophecies and many many more.....