End of the Road Records profile picture

End of the Road Records

Home of End of the Road Records

About Me

End of the Road Records is a label from the people who bought you the End of the Road Festival. After such a succesful year with End of the Road festival 2006, Ro and Simon decided to take the next logical step-and we formed a record label.As lovers of great music we are lucky enough to see a huge variety of bands, and every now and then we see someone who takes our breath away, makes us think, makes us want to dance, or in some cases, all of the above. So that is what we are setting out to acheive with End of the Road Records. Be it 7" singles, 10" EP's or whatever, we will be putting out records we think deserve a listen.

IT's all go at the moment at End of the Road Records....following their well recieved UK tour (taking in the delights of Glastonbury, mud, some more mud, brighton, mud, and er.....XFM) The Tour saw a handfull of Time Out recomended gigs, the last ever instore at Rough Trade Neals Yard and a few lost items along the way. Thanks to everyone who came along and made it special.....
We will be releasing our new single MODERN PLAYS on limited 7" and download(1000 this time) on SEPTEMBER 17th....
Here's the artwork so you know what to look for- you can also pre order it, alongside the album '12 Tales From Winter City' at www.roughtrade.com
The single will also feature Between October and December in Boston as a B-side.
We can also confirm the following dates in the UK
15th September- End of the Road Festival
16th September-End of the Road Festival
19th September- Spitz, London (headline show with Charlie Parr)
20th September- London, Smithsonian Folkways Launch Party
21st September- Middlesborough, The Knights
More shows tbc and radio sessions.interview too.........keep an eye out!
and of course, the video for modern plays- tell everyone you know!
We are also proud to reveal a new member of the End of the Road Family! We are proud to announce that End of the Road Records will be releasing the debut UK single by Port O'Brien.....again on limited 7".....its called CLOSE THE LID.....
So who are they? Well Van pierszalowski, Cambria Goodwin, Caleb Nichols and Joshua Barnhart is the direct answer-yet this is the long answer-What started as a solo project of Van's has become a full on rock and roll band featuring Cambria Goodwin (banjo, vocals, baked goods), Caleb Nichols (guitar, vocals, tambourine, melodica), Josh Barnhart (drums, vocals, egg shaker), and Ryan Stively (bass, vocals). The live shows are always different, but the key emphasis is a little old thing called FUN. This fun has been seen recently sharing stages with Man Man, Bright Eyes, Vetiver, Little Wings, Akron/Family and YACHT among others.Still, don't take our word for it- while being interviewed by Pitchfork M. Ward named them as his favourite new band, saying "They are from San Francisco. I got to see them at the Make-Out Room about two weeks ago, and the energy was there, and the songs were there... two really simple things that you don't get very often."We are delighted to say that the band will be playing at Bestival and End of the Road in September.
Close the lid will be Record of the week on Steve Lamacq's 6 music show from 8th September. It will also be discussed on Round Table!
Please go and add them as a friend and see what lies in store at
the Port O'brien myspace headquarters
Become a friend of THE YOUNG REPUBLIC here
Be a friend to END OF THE ROAD Festival here

My Interests


Member Since: 2/12/2007
Band Website: endoftheroadrecords.com
Band Members: Simon Taffe, Ro Cemm, The Young Republic
Influences: Domino, Rough Trade, City Slang, OIB Records, K, Asthmatic Kitty, Secretly Canadian, Truck
Sounds Like: "Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"
Record Label: Err...End of the road records....
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


So lots of news. 1. The Young Republic will be out on tour with My Brightest Diamond In september, as well as headline shows of their own at The Spitz on 19th September and The Knights, Middlesboroug...
Posted by End of the Road Records on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 04:40:00 PST

Young Republic and Port O’Brien new Singles

Hello all....just to let you know, we will be releasing The Young Republic's new single MODERN PLAYS on limited 7" and download(1000 this time) on SEPTEMBER 17th....Here's the artwork so you know what...
Posted by End of the Road Records on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:47:00 PST


End of the Road Records (the label from the people who bought you End of the Road festival) are proud to announce the release of our first ever record-BLUE SKIES by THE YOUNG REPUBLIC on April 23rd 20...
Posted by End of the Road Records on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 05:33:00 PST