Arabesque Dance profile picture

Arabesque Dance

A shameless display of femininity

About Me

Layali Arabesque: every Sunday at Myth restaurant, 417 Danforth Ave in Toronto.
Arabesque Dance Company:
Arabesque Dance Company has emerged as Canada's leading Middle Eastern dance ensemble, promoting an art form that is often misunderstood, and yet, has persevered through two thousand years of persecution. The company has performed across Canada, the United States and the Middle East, often performing for royalty and heads of state, winning over audiences and gaining critical acclaim throughout its travels.
Arabesque Dance Company has appeared at the 2nd International Conference of Middle Eastern Dance in California, Madison Square Garden Theatre in New York, the Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts, and many, many more. Overseas engagements have taken it to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Greece.
Heading the company of some 21 dancers and seven musicians is Artistic Director Yasmina Ramzy, widely regarded as a highly innovative choreographer who constantly strives to present original works. A characteristic of Arabesque Dance Company is the positioning on-stage of the musicians who play such ancient instruments as the 78-string qanoon (harp), the oude (lute), as well as rababa (one-stringed violin), and the dumbek (Middle Eastern drum). Leading them is Musical Director Dr. George Sawa, who heads the Centre for Studies in Middle Eastern Music, also based in Toronto.
In addition to its repertoire rich in Middle Eastern mystique and splendor, Arabesque Dance Company has established new dance horizons by incorporating contemporary dance styles and experimental innovations as in Nuit, Habibi Des Mis Amores, Didi, Descent of Ishtar (Dance of the Seven Veils), Isis and most rescently, Asala.
(See more Arabesque videos on YouTube .)
Arabesque Academy:
Arabesque Academy attracts serious students from around the world to study at its Toronto studios because of Arabesque's impeccable reputation for an in-depth curriculum featuring authentic and traditional Middle Eastern dance and music.
At Arabesque's main downtown location and satellite studios, students are offered over 45 Bellydance classes a week covering six levels in a flexible drop-in format using a class card. Associated subjects such as Arabic Drumming, Arabic Music and Singing, and fusion dance forms including Tribal, Bollywood and Bellyhop are also available to our students. Arabesque's warm and bustling professional studio environment fosters creativity with a firm foundation in high technical standards and a deep understanding of cultural folklore and Arabic music. Other learning opportunities include working with guest teachers from around the world, a Summer Camp in Southern Ontario, a Winter Camp in Egypt, study tours to Egypt and an Intensive Professional Course.
Students have many performance opportunities including the bi-annual Student Galas and Student Soirees. In addition there is the opportunity for students to perform with live musicians at the quarterly Hezz Ya Wezz events and at the weekly nightclub performance, Layali Arabesque. Those who reach a professional level are given the opportunity to audition for the internationally acclaimed Arabesque Dance Company and Orchestra, to receive employment with the Arabesque Agency, and/or become a teacher at the Academy.
Arabesque Agency:
The Arabesque Agency provides dance artists, musicians and instructors for all types of special occassions and venues including corporate events, weddings, bridal showers, baptisms, theme parties, and night clubs.
Arabesque Boutique:
Large supply of bellydance and folklore costumes, hip scarves, jewelry, music, DVDs, drums, and other merchandise.
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My Interests


Member Since: 2/11/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Dance Artists:
Yamina Ramzy, Samara, Suzanne, Emese, Maya, Saba, Mary, Melissa, Voula, Irina, Sumayah, Marilou, Laura, Maryfer, Khaldoun, Valizan, Kwasi

Dr. George Sawa, Suleiman Warwar, Milad Bouchaaya, Najwa Tannus, Bassam Bishara, Sebastian Gatto, George Barbas
Influences: Aida Nour, Tito, Momo Kadous, Dina, Suhair Zaki, Mohammed Khalil, Nagwa Fouad, Fifi Abdo...
Sounds Like: Oum Kalthoum, Hakim, Farid El Attrach...
Record Label: Arabesque
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Arabesque November Newsletter

Arabesque1 Gloucester St., 107, Toronto ON Canada (Just south of Bloor atYonge)http://www.arabesqu 416-920-5593What's New1. Student Gala2. Conference deadline3. Bravo documentary4. Yasmina t...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 11:40:00 PST

Arabesque Newsletter September 2007

Arabesque Newsletter September 2007 For more information: phone 1-416-920-5593 or check www.arabesquedance.caOne Gloucester St. Suite 107 (north of Wellesley at Yon...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 05:44:00 PST


INTERNATIONAL BELLYDANCE CONFERENCE OF CANADACheck the responses at The response to the first conference and your pleas to repeat have overwhelmed us ...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:19:00 PST

Summer Camp - LAST CHANCE!

Don't miss your last chance to sign up for Summer Camp with Yasmina Ramzy and Suleiman Warwar! July 24- 29, 2007 A fun-filled week of daily Bellydance instruction with Yasmina Ramzy (levels from Begin...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:18:00 PST

Upcoming Variety Classes

Hi all!! Here's some awesome classes coming up:July 19: Extreme Technique with Yasmina RamzyJuly 26: Veil with Laura SelenziAug. 2 & 9: Flemenco/Bellydance Fusion with MaryferAug. 16: T.B.A.Aug. 23- S...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST

Arabesque Newsletter June 2007

Arabesque Newsletter June 2007 For more information: phone 1-416-920-5593 or check Gloucester St. Suite #107 (north of Wellesley...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 10:27:00 PST

International Belly Dance Conference of Canada!

Dear Bellydance Friends, It is almost here, the biggest Bellydance event ever in Canada and it is right here in Toronto. The first International Bellydance Conference of Canada has been many years in ...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:49:00 PST

International Belly Dance Conference of Canada

Don't miss your chance to see some of the world's best belly dancers perform! Thursday, April 19, 2007 - Saturday, April 21, 2007 8:00 PMSee over 150 International Bellydance Stars in 3 different perf...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:41:00 PST

Thanks for a great night!

Thanks so everyone who came out to our first Layali Arabesque at Myth! It was a fantastic success, we booked the place to capacity and it was quite the party! I don't think I've ever seen a longer or ...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:21:00 PST

Hezz Ya Wezz!

Hezz Ya Wezz last Saturday was a great sucess! Check out our list of performers:We had TEN AWESOME dancers all performing solos with a live Arabic band led by Dr. George Sawa and Suleiman Warwar! The ...
Posted by Arabesque Dance on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:03:00 PST