Despite all of my shortcomings, God's been with me through it all! God's holy Word tells us that Jesus Christ, through His death on the cross, has set us free - free from sin, free from the Law, free from the bondage of guilt that sin and the Law bring. Maybe you are finding it difficult to believe in your heart that your sin has been paid for. Perhaps you are thinking, "I have lustful thoughts toward another person." Or, "I've been taking the Lord's name in vain. God won't forgive that, will He?" The fact is, He has forgiven you. You simply need to claim His forgiveness and believe His promise. And what a promise it is: For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:11,12). That's the forgiveness God offers. And think of it! It became yours the moment you believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior and as an act of your will received Him by faith into your life as your Lord and Master. I don't know if you realize it, but you are a very special person. You are one of God's chosen people. That's right, He chose you! He chose you because He loves you so much. You did not do anything to earn this love. God's love is unconditional and it is free. You cannot do anything to make God love you any more than He already does. You also cannot do anything to make God love you any less. Isn't that a wonderful thing to know? It's hard to understand this kind of love. We have a tendency to want to earn His love, but that's not the way it works. You are very special to God and He has great plans for your life. His unconditional love can set you free to be yourself and enable you to fulfill that plan for your life. Let me tell you from personal experience that God's love is unfailing. He always is there for you no matter what you have done. When you have messed up so badly that all you want to do is hide, He still loves you. His forgiveness is unlimited and His love is forever. His grace is always sufficient. It doesn't matter what problems you are facing, His love and compassion are there for you. He has come to me in my times of trouble and has met my every need. When things were so bad that there seemed to be no way out, God made a way. When my dreams were shattered and my heart was broken, He came and picked up the pieces and put them back together again. He has been greater than any problem I've ever had and He is greater than any problem YOU have! Yes, God loves you and wants to help you with every need. You can count on Him for strength when you are weak, for healing when you are sick, for hope when you are desperate, for peace when you are anxious, for comfort when you are grieving and for love, even when you are unlovable. We have a wonderful friend in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Call on Him in your time of trouble and He will prove His love to you. Walk in this knowledge of His love and become more than an over-comer. Claim the victory that is yours in the mighty name of Jesus! Jimmy Keyton
"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."
Oprah, Bono, Colbert, William Shatner, J.K. Rowling, Betty White, Carlos Santana, Dr. Drew Pinsky, and definitely Mario Lopez, haha! I like to meet all sorts of people! However, stuck up, judgemental, arrogant people, who are full of themselves really piss me off. Once again, call me a hypocrite, because satanic people really bug me, but that's a very personal thing. Ultimately, I have no greater longing than for, when this is all through, to meet Christ; look into His eyes, fall at His feet, and to hear Him say "Welcome Home, I've been looking forward to seeing you here!" and then for Him to exclaim those words: "...Well done good and faithful servant..." Matthew 25: 23
I love ALL kinds of music, with the exception of polka and folk music, but I mostly listen to u2
eric clapton
simon n garfunkel
led zeppelin
pink floyd
jimi hendrix
def leppard
dave matthews
riding paper airplanes
red hot chili peppers
green day
blink 182
angels and airwaves
cold play
all american rejects
red jumpsuit apparatus
my chemical romance
Christian contemporary
There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
Psychological/Emotional Abuse:Psychological/Emotional abuse is language or actions designed to intimidate another person and is usually characterised by a pattern of behaviour repeated over time, intended to maintain a 'hold of fear' over the other person.Types of Emotional Abuse:- Treating the person like a child - Humiliation
- Emotional blackmail - Blaming
- Intimidation - Name calling
- Threats of restricting access to others - Insults
- Threats of punishment or abandonment - Silence
- Withdrawal of affection - Shouting
- Denying the person their rights - Coercing
- Witnessing family arguments - Forced to collude in family conflict.
PHYSICAL ABUSE: Physical assault is the most obvious form of Domestic Violence, the most visible, and also the most lethal. Assaults often start small, maybe a small shove during an argument, or forcefully grabbing your wrist, but over time, physical abuse (or battering) usually becomes more severe, and more frequent, and can result in the death of the victim. Physical abuse is any act of physical violence on the victim, and can include the following: slapping, kicking, shoving, choking, pinching, forced feeding, pulling hair, punching, throwing things, burning, beating, use of weapons (gun, knives, or any object) physical restraint - pinning against wall, floor, bed, etc. reckless driving, etc. Basically any behaviour which hurts or physically harms, or is intended to do so.
Threats Where threats are made within an violent relationship they can be as debilitating as the violence itself. A victim who has already suffered being battered need not imagine the result of displeasing the abuser, or doubt the abuser..'s ability to carry out the threats. Even where the victim has not been physically assaulted, the abuser will often demonstrate his ability to harm her by punching walls or furniture, kicking the cat/dog, or using aggressive behaviour. However, many threats are not physical but part of the ongoing emotional abuse. The abuser may threaten to ..'disappear..' with the children, report his partner to Social Services as an unfit mother or ..'have you locked up in an asylum..", harm a significant third party (e.g. family member), refuse housekeeping, leave or commit suicide. Whether the threats are of a physical, sexual or emotional nature, they are all designed to further control the victim by instilling fear and ensuring compliance. The abuser becomes not only the source of pain and abuse, but also the protector, as he/she is not only the person being abusive, but also the person who can prevent the threatened action, increasing the victim..'s dependence on him.
SEXUAL ABUSE: Sexual abuse can be defined by the forcing of undesired sexual acts by one person to another. Types of abuse are unwanted touching, forced sexual activity, be it oral, anal or vaginal, forcing the victim to perform sexual acts, painful or degrading acts during intercourse (e.g.. urinating on victim), and exploitation through photography or prostitution. The abuser my use violence to rape his partner, or he may use only enough force to control his partner's movements (known as ..'force-only rape..'). Coercion or manipulation in the form of threats, emotional or psychological abuse may also be used, leaving the victim to submit to unwanted sexual acts out of fear or guilt.
Marital Rape When sexual abuse occurs within marriage, the victim will often feel very confused as to whether or not she has been ..'raped..'. It seems obvious to all (general public, law enforcement agencies, religious leaders, etc.) that when a woman (or man) is raped out on the street by a stranger, that rape has occurred and is wrong. When rape occurs within the marriage, neither abuser nor victim may consider it legal rape. Many women (both religious and non-religious) don..'t believe they have the right to refuse sex, that ..'sex on demand..' is an unwritten part of the marriage contract. When they have been raped by their husband, they are inclined to take responsibility for the abuse, furthering the feelings of guilt and lack of self-worth. This blame-taking is further increased by the abuser..'s justifications. Marriage, however, is a contract based on mutual love, respect and consideration. Each party has a right to their own body, and while consideration for each person's sexual needs is normal, forced sexual acts are not an expression of love, but a purposeful betrayal of the respect and trust which form a solid marriage. .
Your Personality is the Rarest (INFJ)
Your personality type is introspective, principled, self critical, and sensitive.
Only about 2% of all people have your personality - including 3% of all women and around 1% of all men.
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging.
How Rare Is Your Personality?
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Love
You are Love. Love is the glue that binds us all together. The love of family, the love of friends, the love between husbands and their wives--these things form the foundation of our happiness, our security, and our comfort. "All you need is love."
I love all movies. I especially like comedy, but not horror or romantic comedies as much. Even boring movies give me something to do on a rainy day. Though I can't say I'm too fond of foriegn and independant films, either. They typically confuse me... If I had to name a few, I'd say harry potter chronicles of narnia kill bill big fish memiors of a geisha transformers catch me if you can bandits starwars the ring butterfly effect anger managment dirty dancing mona lisa smile fried green tomatoes forest gump paycheck notebook the island edward scissorhands pirates of the carribean gladiator madea lord of the rings finding nemo lion king jackass clerks II dazed and confused running with scissors napolean dynomite american beauty the truman show (to name a few).Layouts CT Tables Graphics Quizzes Polls Surveys Layouts CT Tables Graphics Quizzes Polls Surveys
I love to watch comedy, South Park, Medical Documentaries, Reality T.V., America's Next Top Model, and anything funny...
Scripture is basically my "user's manual" to life! I also like Harry Potter (I'm a dork, I know!), Chronicles of Narnia, Fried Green Tomatoes, Night, 19th Century Gothic Literature...
Myspace Layouts
Jesus Christ is my hero, because He has saved me from so much in this life and the next. He walks with me wherever I go- high points, low point, whether I need a hand to hold, or to be carried..... ..