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Everytime you view this page, I murder a koala bear.

About Me

Which Metal gear Solid Character are you?
You are Liquid!You may be cold hearted. You may careless about the people around you. But your the man. You get everything you want, and you achieve things others can only dream of.
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My Interests

Salem & Attila Mayhem - deathcrush
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I'd like to meet:


1349, A Dark Fantasy, Aborym, Abysmal Dawn, Aeons Confer, Agressor, Amon Amarth, Anorexia Nervosa, Amputated, Anchorhead, Angel Corpse, Apotheosys, Arcturus, Arkhon Infaustus, Artillery, At the Gates, Aura Noir, Avenger of Blood, Balfor, Baphomet's Throne, Battlelore, Behemoth, Beherit, Belphegor, Beneath the Massacre, Berserk, The Berzerker, The Black Dahlia Murder, Black Funeral, Blood Red Throne, Blood Tsunami, Book of Black Earth, Blind Guardian, Buckethead, Burzum, Cannibal Corpse, Carpathian Forest, Cattle Decapitation, Celtic Frost, Cephalic Carnage, ChthoniC, Circle of Dead Children, Coldworker, Dååth, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Dead to This World, Death, Decapitated, Deicide, Demigod, Demiricous, Demons & Wizards, Den Saakaldte, Destruction, Devilish Impressions, Devin Townsend, Diabolical Masquerade, Diskreet, Dissection, Down, Dragonlord, Dublin Death Patrol, Dying Fetus, Eluveitie, Emperor, Engorged, Ensiferium, Enshadowed, Enslaved, Eternal Gray, E.T.T.S., Evile, Exhumed, Exodus, Fall of the Bastards, Festerguts, Finntroll, Forest of Impaled, Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects, Frostmoon Eclipse, Funeral Fog, Ghoul, Gorgoroth, Grave, Haemhorrage, Havok, I, Iced Earth, Immortal, Impaled, Impaled Nazarene, Impious, In Absentia, Insanity, Into Eternity, Iron Maiden, Jon Olivia's Pain, Judas Priest, Karl Sanders, Keep of Kalessin, King Diamond, Korpiklaani, Kreator, Kult ov Azazel, Limbonic Art, Ludicra, Luna Ad Noctum, Macabre, Marduk, Mastery, Mayhem, Meat Shits, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Metallica, MeZZerschmitt, Misericordiam, Morbid, Morbid Angel, Mortician, Nabaath, Naglfar, Napalm Death, Nattefrost, Necrophagist, Necrophobic, Nightside Glance, Nile, Nokturnal Mortum, Nomad, Norther, Odious Mortem, Odium, Opeth, Paths of Possession, Possessed, Pyrexia, Ragnarok, Ravenant, Revocation, Rhapsody of Fire, Rotting Christ, Sacred Storm, Salem, Salem Orchid, Satanic Scums, Scrambled Defuncts, Secrets She Kept, Semen Across Lips, Semargl, Severed Savior, Shining, Sigh, Skinless, Slayer, Sodom, Splatterhouse, Stephen O'Malley. Strapping Young Lad, Sufferatory, Suffocation, Sunn O))), Symphony X, Swallow the Sun, Taake, Taarma, Ten Masked Men, Terrorizer, Testament, Thorns, Through the Eyes of the Dead, Thy Serpent, Trelldom, Tyrants, Unleashed, Vader, Venom, Vesania, Vile, Vital Remains, Warbringer, Wintersun, Xasthur, Yhardl, Zyklon, Zyklon-B

This isn't all of them. I still have a lot more to add.

You scored as Black Metalist. You love black metal the most, you like to study a lot about paganism, atheistsm and satanism, you are intelligent and know that devil worship is gay, you are also intelligent in making your own point of views especially in religion and politics.

Black Metalist


Death Metalist


Funeral Doom Metalist


Thrash Metalist


Heavy Metal/Old School




Progressive Metalist


Power Metalist

Which metal genre do you love the most? (Prepare for a long quiz!!!)
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Metal: A Headbanger's Journey