A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] profile picture

A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!]


About Me



"These guys blew my mind the first time I listened. Halfway through the first song I was messaging them about a record deal. I'm very excited to work with these guys and I think they will turn heads in 2008 when the debut record drops."
-Craig Ericson of Rise Records
"A new breed of metal is on the rise. Fusing the brutality of modern death metal with melodic hooks that don't leave your mind. A Different Breed of Killer puts a refreshing spin on a genre that is growing stale. Formed in October of 2006, they have quickly made a name for themselves in the metal scene in less than a year, and their popularity continues to climb. With a sound that is crushingly heavy, yet at the same time catchy and captivating, A Different Breed of Killer will soon be on the tongues of everyone."
-Alex Wade of Whitechapel

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My Interests


Member Since: 9/17/2006
Band Members:Jesse Mainor -Vocals Ethan Brown -Guitar Trevor McKee -Guitar Louie Thal -Bass Nija Walker -Drums/Percussion

CONTACT BAND: differentbreedofkiller@gmail.com

Heavy Hitter, Inc.
Jason Rudolph and Bambino

Publicity:(Review/Interview Contact Only)
Warm Fuzzy Publicity
Jerry Graham

Victory Distribution

Sony Red Distribution

Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


For the first print of our album "I, Colossus", a couple of things having to do with the artwork and cd layout were not printed correctly. Here's a list of questions we think will be most asked, and t...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:29:00 PST

"I, COLOSSUS" tracklisting

This is the final tracklisting for our debut album "I, Colossus", which will be released on April 29, 2008 at your local Best Buy, Hot Topic, and FYE, and for download on ITunes. Pre-orders are availa...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:04:00 PST

"I, Colossus" and "The Cleansing Apparatus" Lyrics

I, ColossusWho dare disturb me?! Who seeks to destroy what I've worked my life to forge?! Treason! You tread on the throne of a giant, a god among men. My hammer will deliver justice to those who oppo...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 06:16:00 PST

Studio Update

Here's a small sample of what we're doing right now. Get stoked. Album due in local retailers in April. ...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST

News (lineup/etc)

To settle all rumors, ADBOK, Kyle McNulty, and Patrick Hamilton have parted ways.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank both Kyle and Patrick for their contributions to the current sta...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:31:00 PST

ADBOK Signs to Rise Records!

We are very proud to announce that we have been added to the rest of the family at RISE RECORDS!. Rise also houses bands such as The Devil Wears Prada, Dance Gavin Dance, and At The Throne of Judgmen...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 09:35:00 PST


Public,Just to let you all know and set all rumors to a rest, We are very pleased and proud to announe that our current drummer, Nija Walker, will be permanent with us. We are very excited about this...
Posted by A Different Breed of Killer [VALARIUM 6/19!] on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 01:08:00 PST