I live for MUSIC. Every minute of everyday that I'm not working, sleeping or doing stuff with my friends, I'm either writing, or listening to music. Or even having a good drunken bop round the dance floor!
Just a few of the bands that seriously kick ass!
I LOVE FILMS! In the future I plan to be a film studies teacher or music documentary/music video maker!I am starting at SWANSEA UNIVERSITY THIS SEPTEMBER!! I'll be studying a BA HONS in SCREEN STUDIES, Then go on to do my MA and then PGCE in Further Education. But if I become a world class Music Video Filmmaker or Documentary Filmmaker before hand then thats the path ill follow!
My friends are one of the most important things in my life (next to my family). My stunning friends mean the world to me! MANDA AND JESS you laydees have made my life sooo much more complete!! And the drunkeness of the weekends even more amusing!! Love you two!! JOEDY, the new addition to our house, you are awesome!! Known you since i was 14 and now the only guy in the house!! Our Big Bro!!!As for the other guys/girls, You guys rock my socks!! Cant name you all but i still love ya!! Especially dodge in his hot pants! Haa haa xx
I love Tattoos and Piercings! Started my 3/4 sleeve which is an Oriental theme, butterflys, flowers and lots of colour!I have five/six other tattoos : My star sign on my right wrist, SYL Symbol on my neck, Stars across my stomach, lightening bolts behind each ear and another on my back, but im focusing on my sleeve. I also love anything dreadlock wise, have had them myself for 5 years so big passion of mine!
I hate animal cruelty. If anyone beats, harms an animal in any way i will personally do to you as you did to that animal. Because there is no real need now is there! And to be quite honest animals are much nicer than most of the human race!
Im open minded, honest, quite blunt at times. Hate back stabbing and bitchness, if you have a problem just say so cuz im not gonna hold back what i think! I love a good arguement/debate on different things, i enjoy saying what i think and finding out what others think too. Basically if your my friend i will cherish that friendship, look after it and do my best. If for some reason that is broken and i get hurt then you'll know, i hate being messed about.