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Lynda Mandolyn aka Trixie Delicious (Fabulous Disaster/Inside Out) and Christa DiBiase aka Kitty Largewood (Koolie Cat/Girl Band) decided to team up and create a harmonic/garage extravaganza. Sick of the "pop punk" scene, Lynda was looking for a drummer who could harmonize with her, enjoyed long walks on the beach and cranked Andrew Sisters songs and Laura Lee tunes instead of the Sex Pistols. They both enjoy binge drinking, fake eyelashes and shopping at Wet Seal. So far in their short career they've shared the stage with The Donnas, The Dickies, Von Iva, Donita Sparks, Dolly Rots and the White Barons to name a few. Their self titled 4 song demo recorded by Aaron Nudelman is already an underground favorite. Look out for their debut cd "Get A Grip" coming out in early 2008, recording with Donny Newenhouse (The Sermon, Coachwhips, Film School) beginning in November.Yes Motherfuckers, this song was for US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sassy!!! Live at Safari Sams! 03-07/08
Some of the songs I found to be quite haunting in a witchy, voodoo drum beat and soul sister kind of way. Also there's that weird Andrews Sisters cum girl group Phil Specter vibe mixed in with a bit of Bo Diddley/Bossa Nova action that they do (which is infused with a pop spirit: short and melodic songs that are driven both rhythmically and harmonically, which is rare esp when you mix it w/ a sort of punk rock cum party attitude) that is really quite unique, spine-tinglingly so. It's the way that those harmonies blend in with the heavy guitar ROCK action that makes it special, I think. It helps loads that their chops are well in evidence. I mean, the Sassy thing would probably still work even if they were just starting out, but it works so much better now that these girls are truly seasoned players. Plus, the soul/street sister between song patter is pretty funny. They made me laugh. Trixie's voice is so strong and versatile. Cool version of Sweet Child too!---Kurt Danielson--TAD