Larie profile picture


"you can do anything you want to be!" -Mayor Mufi Hanneman, City and County of Honolulu

About Me

What you probably knew: I love to dance. I love to sing. I love to kick it and joke around with Iwa. I love to shop. I love to laugh. I love to be with my sisters. I love it when it's full moon. I love skittles. I love friends. I love the sunshine. I love music. I love to daydream. I love happy faces. I love a blue sky with hardly any clouds. I love slurpees and angels halos.
What you probably didn't know: I love to go running in the hot sun. I love to be spoiled. I love to hear my little sister talk about church stuff. I love to see people succeed. I love to have a good cry every now and then. I love fan mail! I love reunions with old friends I haven't seen in a while. I love surprises. I love men's cologne and men's deodorant. I love washing dishes. I love seeing people doing heoric acts in secret. I love cutting my nails short. I love it when I go home and all the neighbor kids say hi to me. I love making up rumors about myself.
Pretty simple Me!...I love life and everything that comes with it.

My Interests

Love Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ. Love to dance. Love my law books. Love food, but love candy more! I like people and just talking story and hanging out. I love music. I love Hawaii; the beach, the sand, the mountains, the flowers, everything. It's the most beautiful place in the world to me.

Sum facts on da Family:2 awesome parents, Samuela and Dorie, I love them both; they are so different but they have made me what I am today. I'm named after them both too. You figure it out: La-Rie! It's true I am a daddy's little girl and I although I am 27, I seriously don't know what I'll do if I ever lose my dad.

6 awesome siblings. 1 brother: he is the biggest person I know, and has the biggest heart of anyone I know, his lovely wife Lina has the third biggest heart (My mom has the second biggest heart!)

5 beautiful sisters. I know, can you imagine. Yes, we are all as drama as the image that thought invokes, and we have enough personalities to keep our parents and community occupied.

2 nieces. Mariah and Sharyn. One is named after mariah carey and the other one thinks she is mariah carey...need I say more. They both sing and dance(they take after me) and drive my dad crazy with their laughter. (**Although they both take the name "leger" their volume and their stink eye show that they are truly Langi's**) Hahaha...beware, we are taking over the world.

1 nephew: Elijah Tagaloa Faleolo. He looks like his dad but he takes after his mom. He knew all 13 articles of faith by the time he was two (*I know, and ya'll thought Lisi was the smart one*), and has the cutest voice I ever heard. Okay, it's not that cute for a boy but I'm convinced he's Pinocchio twin!

From the time I was a child, my parents and teachers taught me about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Since then, I have learned that regardless of who I become, where I go, what I do, and what I become, I will always have the love of my Heavenly Father. I know that God loves all of his children. He does! He really does!

I'd like to meet:

Joseph Smith, Jr. and my grandma Ana


Law and Order....all the way! I love that show (it's good law in NY). My favorite late night host is Conan O'Brien. He's hilarious. I also like "Everybody loves Raymond," KMGB news ('cause get Sean Ching) and "Da Bruddahs" on OC 16....alllllllllright!. I like the Disney Channel (it's clean) and not to forget "Who's line."


The Book of Mormon, it's true...everyone should have a copy.
Stephen R. Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People."
Gordon B. Hinckley's "Way to Be" and "Standing For Something."


Jesus Christ. My Parents. President Gordon B. Hinckley. Nelson Mandela. Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Chad Owens. J-Lo. Eminem. Indira Ghandi. Sheri Dew. My Broher Sam. Alisi. Grandma Ana.

My Blog

To My Top 24...Part I

24. Leah aka "Ocean's Mommee." I still remember that day I found out we had the same birthday. How come I was trying to make like it was my birthday and only my birthday. I've got to say that if...
Posted by Larie on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 05:01:00 PST

Confession of a feminist...part 1.

I was walking home today and had the biggest stack of junk in my arms; a classy combination text books, unread article submissions, class notes and study materials.  Okay, so ...
Posted by Larie on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 06:43:00 PST

Ashley's Baptism

Today was Ashley's baptism.  It was really awesome.  I met Ashley like a month ago at Sue's house.  I still don't know him that well, but I really enjoyed his baptismal services.  ...
Posted by Larie on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 04:04:00 PST

Isn't He Beautiful!!!

I know what you're thinking...Mike Shinoda?!  No it's not a phase...its my honest opinion...japanese boys are hot!  It depends though, they gotta be thick or it just doesn't work; 'cause tha...
Posted by Larie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hey peeps! just writing to say that I had such a good time in China! We got back this past sunday and though the trip was a whirlwind experience, I definitely recommend this destination to anyone wan...
Posted by Larie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Did U Miss ME???

Hi Everyone! Hope you are all doing well. I am new at this myspace thing, so if my page looks kind of GHETTO...don't HATE. Anyways! I love you all and look forward to keeping in touch. (As if we ...
Posted by Larie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST