my name is jordan
i'm 18 years young and i go to Highland
i hate school and i'm never there but yes i'm
going to graduate. class of 08 oh yeah!
i love my friends and family. i have 3 homes
my house, julia's house and the pitt's house.
home is where the heart is.
i don't like drama or girls who think their the shit
cuz their rich. money isn't everything and you
can't buy a brain or a personality because most of those girls act all the same and have the same personality.
all they like to do is talk shit
but anyways, i just want to live my life and experience
the wonders of it.
i tend to do what i want
i ♥ a lot of people
but have never been in love
i'm pretty easy to talk to
so just do it!
I'm usually when i first meet
but once you get me talking
you can't get me to STOP!
i've been through alot but who hasn't?
i've learned from my mistakes
i've learned to ♥ those who are
close and learned not
to trust those who are fake
it hurts when you are betrayed by the
the one's who are closest to you.
Jared Richard Anderson
Jared, you were a great kid! I miss wrestling with you. You were an amazing person who always put a smile one my face. Even if we were arguing. I miss coming to Jon's house and seeing you in your "high roller" pajama bottoms. I'll always keep those pajamas on my bed close to me. Just like you'll always be close to me. I'll never forget about you and you'll always be in my heart.