Myspace Layouts by
Dans chaque eclat de ma vie il y a de la passion. Dans ma vie il y a les requins ,la musique, mes amis, ma F-amis,ma soeur jumelle, mon metier de chercheuse,les concerts , des eponges marines ,du reve, de l'energie, I love the light, des photos plein de photo,la nature,plonger,I love london,la bretagne, l'ocean atlantique et maintenant il y a myspace aussi / I add a pinch of passion in each side of my life, it's just the way I am. In my life there's sharks, music, friends, my twin sister,my PhD, concert,marine sponge, dream and fantasy, energy, diving and snorkeling,I love the light, pictures.....a lot of pictures, I love london,Bretagne, the Atlantic Ocean and now there's myspace too.