_________________________Sketching, Movies, Money, I like money, feel free to send me some at your leisure,.. and a good Bourbon nothing like a good Bourbon. and women.... ahhh nothing like women such beautiful creatures........all shapes and sizes ................. Just dont tell my wife! She's the jealous type.... and she owns a gun!!!_____________________Comics Books or should I say well written ones. It also doesn't hurt to have a decent artist on the book.._____________________Fantasy Artwork Paintings by artist, Boris Vallejo, Joe Jusko, Frank Frezetta and Larry Elmore. They are masters of this genere, period..Comic Book Artist, with artwork can pull you into a story such as, Frank Cho, Michael Turner, Jo Chen, Liam Sharp, Brandon Peterson, Bart Sears, Mitch Byrd, J.Scott Campbell just to name a few..._____________________
This stellar splash page of artwork was done by none other than, The man,.. the myth,.. the legend....... The master of all things Oblivion....... Press Oblivion. A gift to me, for my glorious 33rd birthday!!! What an honor!! It now hangs with a place of distinction on my wall. Thank you E.J., you are da man!! WWW.Press Oblivion.com
24,the best show on TV,... Heroes,... House. MD.,... Dirty Jobs,... Burn Notice,...Law and Order SVU,... Family Guy,... Futurama Squidbillies,... The Venture Brothers,...GO TEAM VENTURE!!!_____________________
The Men and Women who put their life on the line everyday for the continued freedom and protection of this great country, The United States of America!!!