I am into anything that involves using my brain and hands (to make/build stuff). My only "real" hobby is the quintessential hobby of hobbies....you would find in a "hobby" shop and that is of course model-building. You can see some of my handi-work in the pics album.
Always looking for long-lost friends and of course, I am looking for new ones who are a "fit" for my life.
80's pop, synth-pop, punk, etc. (and not Michael Jackson!), Metal, Hip-Hop, classical....really just about anything. I didn't like country at all, but SOMEONE changed that a little bit! I thought the world would end before that ever happened. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE DAMMIT!
Movies? Yah...theres a few good ones. All time-fave is Saving Private Ryan...thats the only movie that I got a "rush" watching....you might get PTSD a little bit...haha...yah, its bloody, but a damn good movie...as far as special effects go...it was real as can be.I don't go to the movies much...peoples' etiquette sucks...cell phones, chatter, seat kickers, you know what I'm talking about. Not to mention $5 sodas...
Very little. History channel or Military channel...some HGTV.....but other than that....ehhh, no. Maybe less than 2 hours a week.
Real books? Nope....mags...yes. I have a shit-load of scanned books/material....if your interest is similar to mine, let me know...I can burn a disc or two of material for you.
My parents, for allowing me to end up a half-way decent fellow, and all of our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.....we need to look no further for true heros, whether you hate war or not.