My name is Nakita,I'm a pitbull. My owner's call me puppy. I like to sleep, eat, chew on my toy's, eat, sleep some more ( I mastered the art of sleeping i am now a puppy master) play with my master's and hang out with my chihauhau friends. My owner's will tell you i'm a little over a year old and was rescued off the streets after i was mistreated and abandon. I'm a big chicken, my own shadow scare's me and plastic bags filled with cans! My only bad habit is chewing up plastic and taking a whiz on the rug from time to time. My only problem was getting in trouble for chewing up my daddy's shoes, but now i hear there's people out there who want me dead for no reason. But what they don't know is i belong to a family and you don't mess with family! My owner's will fight for me and all of my fellow pitbull family members! If you got a problem with me you now have a BIG problem with my owner's! Vote NO on SB861 and BSL!
| View Show | Create Your OwnI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own!BSL ( BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATION)
ed Specific LegislationBreed specific legislation otherwise known as "BSL" has started to sweep the world. Germany, Canada, The United States, France, and England are among the major countries that have enacted some form of breed specific law that restricts or calls for a complete ban on several breeds from existing peacefully within their borders.American Pit Bull Terriers or anything that remotely resembles a "Pit Bull" are among the most commonly listed breeds in BSL proposals.Even more horrible is that fact these laws do not even take into consideration the individual dog's history but instead lumps them all together under one classification.In most cases this means they are labeled as dangerous. Ultimately forcing the well behaved dogs to be seen and classified along with the dogs that have in fact bitten or attacked someone.In short, if you have a highly decorated Search and Rescue Pit Bull your dog is seen as deadly as the dog that has been drugged up, abused, and forced to attack.Breed specific legislation is nothing more then a band-aid law makers have placed over a massive head wound. What I find ironic is they truly feel these laws are going to help the public deal with the Pit Bull dilemma.When in fact, nothing could be further from the truth and the public is mislead by thinking that if Pit Bulls are banned or restricted this is going to somehow stop irresponsible owners from allowing their dogs to continue to create havoc in the streets.What will it take before people realize these laws are completely useless and enacting them only serves to tie the responsible owner's hands behind their backs?Not to mention it creates the public image their dogs are dangerous and potentially vicious. This creates further problems for the owners because their neighbors become afraid and call for their removal from the neighborhood.Some might think this is a paranoid outlook on the situation. Tell that to the woman whose Bull Terrier was set on fire in Germany soon after the country enacted its breed specific legislation.Will you sit back and let this happen?Even if you do not share your life with the American Pit Bull Terrier or a dog on these breed specific lists, it is your duty as a dog owner to do something about it.If you would like more information you can download a killer Breed Specific Legislation package at:
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:SECTION 1. Section 31683 of the Food and Agricultural Code isamended to read:31683. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent a city or county from adopting or enforcing its own program for the control of potentially dangerous or vicious dogs that may incorporate all, part, or none of this chapter, or that may punish a violation of this chapter as a misdemeanor or may impose a more restrictive program to control potentially dangerous or vicious dogs. Except as provided in Section 122331 of the Health and Safety Code, no program regulating any dog shall be specific as to breed.SEC. 2. Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 122330) is added to Part 6 of Division 105 of the Health and Safety Code, to read:CHAPTER 7. SPAY/NEUTER AND BREEDING PROGRAMS FOR ANIMALS122330. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:(a) Uncontrolled and irresponsible breeding of animals contributes to pet overpopulation, inhumane treatment of animals, mass euthanasia at local shelters, and escalating costs for animal care and control; this irresponsible breeding also contributes to the production of defective animals that present a public safety risk.(b) Though no specific breed of dog is inherently dangerous or vicious, the growing pet overpopulation and lack of regulation of animal breeding practices necessitates a repeal of the ban on breed-specific solutions and a more immediate alternative to existing laws.(c) It is therefore the intent of the Legislature in enacting this chapter to permit cities and counties to take appropriate action aimed at eliminating uncontrolled and irresponsible breeding of animals122331. (a) Cities and counties may enact dog breed-specific ordinances pertaining only to mandatory spay or neuter programs and breeding requirements, provided that no specific dog breed, or mixed dog breed, shall be declared potentially dangerous or vicious underthose ordinances.  (b) Jurisdictions that implement programs described in subdivision (a) shall measure the effect of those programs by compiling statistical information on dog bites. The information shall, at a minimum, identify dog bites by severity, the breed of the dog involved, whether the dog was altered, and whether the breed of dog was subject to a program established pursuant to subdivision (a). These statistics shall be submitted quarterly to the State Public Health Veterinarian.Contact Tables