Living, Punk/hardcore, vegetarianism, sxe, design, moutain bikining in algarve, good cartoons, the 19th century and the begining of the 20th century history, designing covers for the one's I love, doing stupid draws of stanic chinchilas at the worst job in the world, reading Usagi Yojimbo..
Day of the dead, Zann, The Flying Worker, Baron Noir, Point of no Return, Orchid, Hot Cross, Unbroken, The Swarm, His hero is gone, The smiths, Sed Non Satiata, World BUrns to Death, Adorno, Reversal of Man...
Germinal, Vanilla Sky (sorry), the snaper, the van (allmost everything from the british realism), afirma pereira, Los Lunes al sol...
Emile Zola, Albert Camus, Milan Kundera...Marx, Engels, Galeano...
john J. Rambo