HAPPY 10th APRIL BDAY TO MY DAUGHTER Autumn!!!!Im 1 who isnt into the bar/boozen/slumming it scene where in my town it seems to be a common thing.there's more to life then drinking,partying,picking up as many as a person can. Im a strong,smart very independant lady who's raised a family of 5 on my own with nobodys help.I dont take shit from anyone wether it be my Son or a Guy.I rarely drink when i do it may be a beer or a glass of wine on a special occasion.Im also one when i say im going to do something i do it.I will not put up with abuse of any type.wether it be screaming,name calling,or a male that thinks its ok to grab his lady,break her items,or take from a lady All He can who's tryen to make ends meet feeding her children.A real man knows what they have and its not about sex,a person's looks but about who a person is.CLASS,RESPECT.a "real"man isnt selfish only thinking of himself.I dont care how hard life may have been in your past there is no excuse to ever harm another person.We all have had hardships in our lives but we dont go around usen and abusen others and then blaming it on our bad times in our lives/past.I am very honest and caring and i Cant Stand LIARS,Theives there is never an excuse for this type of wrong doing.Any "MALE"That acts in these manners are not MEN But Punks!So if you are anything like this then move on to another profile Ive got better things to do then waste my energies on LOSERS!