i play guitar a little and don't talk a lot.i look like a dork w/big pants, and i'm a filthy bachelor w/a full-time work and school schedule.Get your layout at geefx.com
Make your own custom scroller sign at Blipsy.com!
metal,grindcore,playing my guitar, punk-metal, death metal, pussy, and chinese food! fuck this myspace crap.
anything but emo, comercial country, and radio rap^ see intrests
all star wars series, pulp fiction, heist, american hardcore, pink floyed:the wall, letters from iwo jima, fight club, the lord of rings trilogy, saving private ryan, platoon, gumo, dirtbags,the cross of iron, carlito's way, the departure, happy gilmore... um, any suggestions?
it has no channels
are too expensive!!!
dimebag darrell,john tardy, chuck shuldiner, randy rhodes, jimi hendrix, napoleon hill, miamoto musashi, lao tzu, freidrich nietzche, that gahndi guy, oh yes--- and not to forget Frank Zappa