New Play Promotions are an artists & events promotions company with a twist. We focus our attention on an event called New Play. It is a one monthly unsigned band or artist Ep/Demo giveaway to customers purchasing like minded albums from independent record stores in Kilmarnock, Glasgow and Edinburgh.I know all to well that when a band has a gig, they call on their friends and family to buy tickets and go to the gig. There are very few new faces along to unsigned gigs.
If new play encourages one new person along to a unsigned bands gig, then new play has been successful.What do acts have to do?Send 20-50 eps/demos to the address below. All bands/artists must have a website or myspace page and they must have up and coming gigs. IMPORTANT- all CD's sent must be properly presented and have contact details and a web address either on the CD or on the CD sleeve. Bands and artists participating will be given a receipt for all the CD's received.Contact - [email protected] for more information or leave a message on myspace.Send all CD's to -
New Play Promotions,
School of Media, Language & Music,
University Campus, Ayr,
Beech Grove,